
Showing posts from August, 2018

When You Feel Like You Can't Go On

Psalm 29:11 (NLT) " The   Lord   gives His people strength.  The   Lord   blesses them with peace." I like this "address 29:11" it is another promise from God for us!! One that we can pray back to Him just like we can and do Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you,” says the  Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  The bible is FULL of hopeful verses! Full of promises! Full of the very words, the breath of God - that we can cling to and hold on to just as we would those of any wise father. Only, God is far wiser and unconditionally loving than any earthly father we could have.  Have you had a time where you just needed 'strength' to go on? Just one more step, or crawl, at a time? Where you felt and thought, there is NO way you can make it through this circumstance/situation? Did you cry out to God? Did you ask Him to help you make it through each step? Each hour? Shoot, each minut...

Work Can Be Hard Work

John 6:28-29 28  They replied, “We want to perform God’s works, too. What should we do?” 29  Jesus told them,  “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the One He has sent.” Funny how we all want to “work” for things. And we actually know how to do it pretty well. The thing that jumped out at me here, is that the “work” God requires of us, is to ‘believe in Jesus’ – that’s it. Well, in order to believe, we need to know Him, right?! In order to know Him, we have to spend time with Him. Right?! If you are married, or were married, or ever dated someone… you know that the only way to find a connection with that person is to spend time with them. If you are around married people at all, you will hear them say, “Marriage is hard work.” What is the hard work? Well, it is putting the other person and their needs above your own. Trying to out-do OR out-give kindness and love towards them. Spending time with this person 24/7 at times. Well, the same is tru...

Make A New Contact To Text

Today, in my quiet time, I read a daily devotion from Pastor Greg. Wowzers! Hit the nail right on the head!! This is totally how I believe too! We DO have time to pray - we just need to make it a priority ;-) Start by making a New Choice at least one time today. Set a timer if you have to, and instead of looking at your phone or the computer - pray for a few minutes. Then just start talking to Jesus. Maybe you need to "text" it out to Him. Make a New Contact in your phone: Jesus - and then text Him. Or get a notebook and pen, and do it the old-fashioned way lol  The point is, just give some sort of time to Him, you'll be glad you did!! I'm praying that you "find" time today to pray, talk to God, share your heart with Jesus. Circumstance may not change, but your heart will. Be well, be safe, and be blessed in all you put your hands to today! <3 Time to Pray You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you...

Worthy Of Praise

A Song of Thanksgiving 67  God, be merciful to us and bless us;      look on us with kindness, 2  so that the whole world may know Your will;      so that all nations may know Your salvation. 3  May the peoples praise You, O God;      may all the peoples praise You! 4  May the nations be glad and sing for joy,      because You judge the peoples with justice      and guide every nation on earth. 5  May the peoples praise You, O God;      may all the peoples praise You! 6  The land has produced its harvest;      God, our God, has blessed us. 7  God has blessed us;      may all people everywhere honor Him. What an amazing passage!! This is one of those passages of scripture, that we CAN pray back to God! This is something that we can have hope for, that ALL the earth will ...

You ARE Chosen, Wanted, Loved

Romans 8:15 NLT - 15  So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children.  Now we call Him, “Abba, Father.” MSG - This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. See this promise?!?! We are children of God! Not grandchildren, nieces or nephews, step-children… but His CHILD, we are adopted, chosen, wanted, bought and paid for!! We are NOT to be afraid in things – we have His Spirit in us – so we can be confident in the things He leads us to and through! That is just so stinkin’ amazing to me!! AND – that we get to call Him Father, Papa, Daddy, Abba… whatever term you use for endearing Dad – THAT is who God is to us! Yes, to you, me, everyone that calls on Him and believes in Jesus! Wowzers!! Even bet...

Do You Hear The Knocking

Psalm 117 1  Praise the  Lord , all you nations.      Praise Him, all you people of the earth. 2  For His unfailing love for us is powerful;      the  Lord ’s faithfulness endures forever. Praise the  Lord ! Short and simple today. What we are to do, and what His promise is. His love for us is SO powerful! He moves mountains to knock on the door of our heart. He waits patiently for us to open that door and invite Him in. The power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives IN us – through us, for us, because of us!! Amazing!! Today, I pray that you hear that knock on your heart’s door, and you open that door. If you have already, then I pray that you let Him into EVERY room in your heart (including in your home/body/mind). May you truly feel His love for you today! Be well, be safe and be totally blessed!!

What Does Your Account Reflect

Psalm 119 Vs. 11 (MSG) I’ve banked Your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt. Vs 15 (NLT) I will study Your commandments and reflect on Your ways. Now that I am back in school through an online course, I realize how much I have forgotten in how to “study” LOL Reading the beginning of Psalm 119 again, these verses jumped out at me. They are just so vivid in what I believe needs to be ALL of our first ‘study’ – God’s word. Banking God’s promises in a vault of our heart – struck me and made me think, “Why do we save money? What is it for?” Well, for our future – but ‘what in our future’ is it actually for? According to these verses, when we have God’s word in our hearts, and we pull from that vault – we get to use the promises ANY time they are needed! For comfort, direction, guidance, helping… for ourselves as well as for others. Like our savings accounts, we want to be able to provide for ourselves as well as others in our future. God’s word is an...

What Lesson Are We To Learn Today

Psalm 119:71 “My suffering was good for me, because it made me learn Your commands.” Well, Psalms 119 is like a roller coaster in a life! It is also one of those chapters, that follows the ABC’s. Each little stanza is a part of the original alphabet. Hmmm, maybe this is where I got the idea of praising God through the ABC’s ;-) This verse jumped out at me today, because the words “suffering” and “learn”. When I/we am going through a test, trial, circumstance… how I/we come out on the other side, depends on me/us and my/our attitude. Our heart really. Our attitude is like the ocean and changes with each wave, but our hearts usually keep on track wanting to do what God wants and what will please Him. I know, I know – I have prayed MANY times for “healing” of something, or for Him to ‘remove’ things – but sometimes, it is the lessons we learn going through it, that are way better than being saved from it. If you are suffering today, please draw closer to Jesus. Seek Him out ...

Are You "Going It Alone"

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) 5  Trust in the  Lord  with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6  in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight . (MSG) Trust  God  from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for  God ’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; H e’s the one who will keep you on track. (GNT) 5  Trust in the  Lord  with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know.  6  Remember the  Lord  in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.  (NLT) 5  Trust in the  Lord  with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6  Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. They saying hearing things over and over, helps it to stick. Well, I REALLY like the way the Message and the Good News Translation have these verses!! Ju...