Need A Little Help From A Friend
Need a Little Encouragement We ALL have those days when we feel a little “less than” – nothing wrong with that! It is quite normal actually. That is why I believe the Lord gave us the bible and all of the verses in it – so that we can learn to look to Him for our peace, comfort, strength, joy… Here are a couple of verses that jumped out at me today that just give me that TOTAL confidence that He IS with me AND YOU!! When I feel like I am letting others down, or have fallen short in something, this verse is what I like to repeat over and over. It is the TRUTH from God, not from my own head and thoughts – but TRUTH we can hold on to and repeat back to God over and over. He IS with us, no matter where we are and or what we are going through – He is here!! Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” The days I start out on the “low side” I am ...