Cravings: Healthy / Unhealthy
How do we live in a way that doesn’t keep getting us into trouble? How about cravings? Are they healthy and wise, or destructive and harmful? In most of our lives, cravings are a mixture of both (for me anyway that is). Galatians 5:16 (NLT) “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” Easier said than done, right?? Well, not really. However, it does take practice. What is hard about it is that we still and always WILL have cravings! We have every day, normal, routine cravings that we seem to have to fight every day all day long (or am I alone?!). Then we have those once in a while cravings. Or something that jumps up out of thin air that we never even thought of before! Right?! According to God’s word, and my own practice, the only way to conquer our cravings (in any and all areas) is to pray. Yup, pray. Not just any prayer mind you, but a prayer with power and faith. First thing, you have to be willing to...