Clear Mind
2 Timothy 4:3-5 “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”
Well, if verses 3 & 4 don't describe our world today almost to a T, I don't know what does! Verse 5, "keep a clear mind in every situation" jumped out at me.
A few ways to do this:
a) no drugs or alcohol. They clog, fog, and help exaggerate reality.
b) no or very reduced caffeine. This dehydrates you, and like a) - it can be addictive. Caffeine also increases your stress levels, which increases your insulin levels, which increases inflammation in your body. Pretty negative side-effects.
c) drink water first thing in the morning. This helps flush out your body from it's 'fast' at night.
d) quiet time, meditation, gratitude. Starting your day, with being thankful, starts your day with a clean, fresh slate - and starts you thinking of the 'positive' things in life, instead of the negative things.
e) walk. Inside or outside. In your house up and down the hall, or on a treadmill. Or outside, it is good and healthy to be outside each day for about 10 minutes. We all need the sun and fresh air. Breathing in clean fresh air, helps clear the mind of foggy thoughts, and stress from the day.
"Keeping" your mind clear in every situation, is a different animal all on it's own! However, if you are filling yourself with good, positive, calm things (music, tv shows, books...) then you can't help but lean towards positive and clear thinking. You need to do a "sensory overload" so-to-speak, to drown out the negative. Yes, even positive thinking people have bad days, and bad moments - but that's just what they are: "Moments" - they don't become a way of life. Instead they turn it in to learning situation. And like this passage says, sometimes we WILL suffer for our beliefs and our sharing of our faith. There is NO need to be afraid of this!! Because greater is the power in you, than the power of this world! The devil and his army have NOTHING over the power of God our Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, and by the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit! THIS power - the same one that was alive and active 2000 years ago, is alive and well today!! IN us!! For us!!
Now, I'm not sure where God has chosen to lead you, to share Him with others - but I do know this: you DO have a calling! You were nudged and told where and or how He wants you to share with others. It may have been a long time ago, and you chose to "put it on the back burner" or you chose to not believe that 'you' could be used by God in that way. Well, I'm begging you, find a quiet moment to be with Jesus, and ask Him to reveal to you the way He wants to use you now, today. It may or may not be the same as it was before. Life changes, people change - we change. He does not! He WILL meet you right where you are, now, today. So, driving in your car is the only place you have a minute to yourself? Good! Use that time to seek His wisdom and will for you. I'm praying for you today, to push 'reset' and find your passion and joy in Jesus. You are worthy of His love and His calling in your life. Be brave - ask Him!
Well, if verses 3 & 4 don't describe our world today almost to a T, I don't know what does! Verse 5, "keep a clear mind in every situation" jumped out at me.
A few ways to do this:
a) no drugs or alcohol. They clog, fog, and help exaggerate reality.
b) no or very reduced caffeine. This dehydrates you, and like a) - it can be addictive. Caffeine also increases your stress levels, which increases your insulin levels, which increases inflammation in your body. Pretty negative side-effects.
c) drink water first thing in the morning. This helps flush out your body from it's 'fast' at night.
d) quiet time, meditation, gratitude. Starting your day, with being thankful, starts your day with a clean, fresh slate - and starts you thinking of the 'positive' things in life, instead of the negative things.
e) walk. Inside or outside. In your house up and down the hall, or on a treadmill. Or outside, it is good and healthy to be outside each day for about 10 minutes. We all need the sun and fresh air. Breathing in clean fresh air, helps clear the mind of foggy thoughts, and stress from the day.
"Keeping" your mind clear in every situation, is a different animal all on it's own! However, if you are filling yourself with good, positive, calm things (music, tv shows, books...) then you can't help but lean towards positive and clear thinking. You need to do a "sensory overload" so-to-speak, to drown out the negative. Yes, even positive thinking people have bad days, and bad moments - but that's just what they are: "Moments" - they don't become a way of life. Instead they turn it in to learning situation. And like this passage says, sometimes we WILL suffer for our beliefs and our sharing of our faith. There is NO need to be afraid of this!! Because greater is the power in you, than the power of this world! The devil and his army have NOTHING over the power of God our Father, through Jesus Christ His Son, and by the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit! THIS power - the same one that was alive and active 2000 years ago, is alive and well today!! IN us!! For us!!
Now, I'm not sure where God has chosen to lead you, to share Him with others - but I do know this: you DO have a calling! You were nudged and told where and or how He wants you to share with others. It may have been a long time ago, and you chose to "put it on the back burner" or you chose to not believe that 'you' could be used by God in that way. Well, I'm begging you, find a quiet moment to be with Jesus, and ask Him to reveal to you the way He wants to use you now, today. It may or may not be the same as it was before. Life changes, people change - we change. He does not! He WILL meet you right where you are, now, today. So, driving in your car is the only place you have a minute to yourself? Good! Use that time to seek His wisdom and will for you. I'm praying for you today, to push 'reset' and find your passion and joy in Jesus. You are worthy of His love and His calling in your life. Be brave - ask Him!