Too Many Two's To Handle

‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:22 “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.”
     Just this week, in our Life Group study, a question was asked: "Have you or someone you know,  ever been addicted to something? If so, how did we/they break free?" My addictions started pretty early in life. 7th or 8th grade, 13-14 years old. Influenced by the 'older girls' I walked home from school with.  I chose to follow their prompting. This 'people pleasing' trait was not good to have then. What strikes me now as I look back, some of those 'youthful lusts' never went away. They affected me well in to my adulthood, after having children, and well in to my marriage. (Funny/strange thought: mid-life crisis = youthful lusts) I didn't understand exchanging one habit for another back then. I also did NOT have anyone in my life that called on the Lord & had a pure heart.
     Today, I understand that when you 'clean house' (your body & or mind) and you pray for things to be removed... you MUST also pray that those spaces be filled with godly attributes. Otherwise, it's just empty space - and it WILL get filled back up with what ever the enemy throws at you!

     Perhaps you want to say, "So, Lisa Marie, what if I was a 'good kid' and or a teen, and I did follow the rules and such - but now, as an adult - I'm sucked in to following the ways of the world & my inner lusts: now what?!" Memorize THIS verse! Follow it! Pursue Jesus and the things pleasing to God our Heavenly Father. What worked for me, was finding churches that had classes, studies, meetings that I could be a part of. I went to 4 different churches at the same time. Nearly every night of the week, I was somewhere 'safe', hearing Gods truth. I KNEW I was 'safe' at/in church. I started friendships with others who had a heart for God. I started chasing after righteous living, faithfulness to Jesus, love for myself & others, and peace in my very heart & soul started to grow. It took a bit of time, and strong dedication to break free, but thru Gods mercy, forgiveness, & grace... and Beth Moore studies - I now have victory over those chains & bondage!

     Today, remember that God loves you! He created you & He knows both your strengths & weaknesses. He is our refuge & strength, RUN to Him!! Whatever you are 'stuck in' or are feeling 'trapped in' - let me ask you this: is your habit, lust, desire, or sin too big for you to break free from on your own? Most likely the answer is YES. Let me tell you something. The God of the universe, that created the heavens and the earth, that breathed life in to us, that commands the wind & seas... THIS God, who RAISED people from the dead, made blind people see, and crippled people walk.... THIS God and ALL of His same power, lives IN US! If you are a believer and follower of Jesus - this is TRUE!! Sooooo, not by your power or strength, but by HIS, you CAN break free! But NOT ALONE! You MUST surround yourself with believers who will help hold you accountable! That will encourage you! That will be there with you, for you! No, for some of us, it's not instant or easy. However, by Gods grace & mercy, for some of us, it CAN be instant & complete! I'm praying for you right now. Anything that you feel has a hold on you, that you will whole-heartedly share it with God, and ask Him to remove the desire and/or actions that go with it. I pray that He blesses you with INSTANT freedom from it, completely! I also pray, that if His plan is for a greater purpose, and He allows you to go through a 'growth transition', that He bless you with strength, determination, ability, and resilience to overcome your bondage! May you be surrounded by the love, peace & joy of Christ today! I love you, as He loves you - unconditionally, just as you are! Today, let's be the 'best' us, we can be! - Me, Lisa Marie


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