Truth Cannot Be Chained

2 Timothy 2:14 "Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them."
    Well, OUCH!! I have been a bit of a "word police" lately with others. In and out of my household. Sometimes, I have heard people dispute words from scripture - like "which version is best" to use. Well, the truth is - that as long as it is truth, the BEST one, is the one you WILL read!! If you are reading a version of the Bible that makes you confused, or dread spending time in it with Jesus - then get another version!! Quick!
     Back to normal arguments over words - when someone is telling a story, in their perspective, in their reality - who are we (or who am I) to judge them or correct them?!?! If there is not a danger to them, then we/I just need to let it be. Now - if they are telling false information that leads people astray - that is a different story!! Then "truth" must prevail - and we MUST speak up. Like we read yesterday - we do not need to be afraid to stand up for truth! God is with us, and His Holy Spirit will guide and direct us, as well as protect us! LOL I just typed those words, and realized, that Paul who wrote 2 Timothy, was in prison for his speaking up and sharing the truth! In verse 9, he claims a very important bit of information: "the word of God cannot be chained" - so, even if we are in chains, jail, prison.... God's truth can not and will not be chained up!
     Today, I pray, that you think before you speak. Words from you, or words towards another person. Think "will it really matter if they have changed the info they are sharing", if not, then zip your lip and let it go! Now - in your doing that, you then cannot harbor any resentment towards them or the situation! That's not going to do you or anyone else any good. Be well, be blessed, and be kind today! Think before you speak.

May the light of Jesus shine on, through and to you today! 


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