How Big Is Your File Of Sins

Psalm‬ ‭130:3-4, 7
Vs 3-4: “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve You."
Vs 7: "Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption."

     We, would NEVER be able to stand with the weight of our sin on us. The punishment too - is hell - we would NOT be able to endure or last. ONLY by Gods grace thru Jesus are we even able to 'live' now!! We are Israel. Here is both a promise and command - put our hope in Him, and He WILL redeem us!! We are all in need of Jesus! WE really cannot succeed on our own. Sure it can seem like it in our society, but not really. There is a big empty hole, that ONLY Jesus can fill! The "need" rund deep in to our very soul.

     Our pastor this past Sunday, lead us all in to a special 'exercise' where he asked us a couple of questions, and we raised our hands if it was true of us. The point of the exercise, was that EVERYBODY is going to raise their hands. How many of you have a first name? (hand raise) How many of you are in this room? (hand raise) Remember, the point of the exercise is that everyone will raise their hands. Now, don't try to be legalistic, and say that he didn't ask it exactly right for it to fit a child that is told not to hit their brother with the wooden spoon, and they do it in the other room with the reasoning "you didn't say not to hit him in the bedroom, you said it in the kitchen" - no, don't do that. Don't give the qualifiers. OK next question. How many of you in this room, have ever told a lie? (hands raised) Ok - we all have a first name, we are all here in this room (or this blog), and we are all liars. (it's going to get worse...hang on) Hang with me here. This test, is going to show us something. We want to see if we are going to 'succeed' or if 'we are in need' - it all fits! ;-) Next question: have you ever stolen something, irregardless of its value? (Nabster counts lol) (hand raise) Ok, so we all have a first name, we are all in this room, we are all liars, and we are all thieves. Double question here: how many of you have ever been angry with somebody OR lusted after someone? (hand raise) The bible tells us Jesus tells us, that if we are angry at someone, it is the same as committing murder against them in our heart. And if we have ever lusted after someone (like a movie star, a kid in school, a neighbor, our significant other before they were our significant other...) then it is as though we have committed adultery at heart. So, we all have a name, we are all here, we are all liars, thieves, murderers and adulterers at heart. Wow, we are all not doing so good, right?!?! Ok, here's another one: have you ever put God second place below something else? (hand raise). Ok, that means, we all have a first name, we are all in this room, we are all liars and thieves, we have all committed murder and adultery in our heart, and we are all idolaters. Who wants to keep going? We are not doing so good. That is 6 out of the 10 commandments. SIX!! And ALL of us have broken these. This is what the Law is showing us: that we are ALL in need! In need of a Savior, in need of Salvation, in need of mercy! Last question: how many of you, if your life were judged on the Law and based on the 10 commandments, would be found guilty? (hand raise) ALL of us. All of us need forgiveness and salvation.

     When we come to Jesus and accept His FREE gift, His "get out of jail free" card - God does NOT keep record of our wrongs against us! Our 'record' is thrown out. We are redeemed! Free!! Free from the punishment of ALL of our sins - even the teeny tiny ones we did as a child. All of them are made clean and wiped away.
    How did you do on the 'test'? Pretty eye-opening right? But that is how God designed us and made us.... so that we would NEED Him. And only thru Jesus can it all be made new, fresh, clean, wiped away! Dear Friend - God doesn't want to keep record of our wrongs! No parent does of their children! He would much rather shower us with love, grace, mercy, forgiveness..... Truly, IF He kept a record of all that we did - we would NOT be able to stand the judgment of it all. I'm praying today, that if He brings anything to mind, that perhaps you haven't thought of in a long time - but that you need to let go of, give to Him and ask for forgiveness of - then DO IT!! He's the BEST, most awesome Father EVER!!! He WILL forgive you!! Now, you need to believe it, accept it, and forgive yourself! :-) I'm praying for you today. Be blessed and be well.


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