Are You Angry At God

Malachi‬ ‭1:2-3, 5‬
Vs 2-3: ““I have always loved you,” says the LORD. But you retort, “Really? How have You loved us?” And the LORD replies, “This is how I showed My love for you: I loved your ancestor Jacob, but I rejected his brother, Esau, and devastated his hill country. I turned Esau’s inheritance into a desert for jackals.”
Vs 5: "When you see the destruction for yourselves, you will say, ‘Truly, the LORD’s greatness reaches far beyond Israel’s borders!’"

     Have you ever wanted to trace how far back your ancestry goes? These verses made me think a bit differently about some of the 'evil' people in our world today. It is very likely that they come from the line of Esau - wow!! How true, the Lords greatness reaches FAR beyond just Israel!

     Have you been a stubborn daughter? Have you not gotten your way in something and stomped your foot, with the words, "How have You loved me?!" coming out of your mouth up to the sky at God? Sure, we ALL have had moments where we've questioned our parents as well as have questioned God. However, our Heavenly Father, God, is WAY different!! He doesn't operate on human emotions. Just look at how many times we go to Jesus confessing the SAME sin over & over! Yet, He is patient, kind, merciful, forgiving. But, He is "just" too. Sometimes we bring consequences on ourselves for our past, poor choices. Sometimes, sin has NOTHING to do with it - instead it is the bigger picture and for the greater good that we 'suffer'. Something God is allowing to happen, for our sake or the sake of someone in our life.

     Today, ask Jesus to soften your heart, open your spiritual eyes, and allow the Holy Spirit to shine a light on truth in your life. If there are actions, words, thoughts, anything causing you to be a 'stomping foot' girl - that He will reveal it, cleanse you from it, forgive you for it, and then grow you through it. Be well, warm, and blessed Sister! I'm praying for your day and may you have sunshine - on the inside ;-)


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