How To Stop Worrying About Your Day Slipping Thru Your Hands

Colossians‬ ‭1:15-17‬ “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together."

    Wow!! Wow!! I don't even know where to start... SO much in just these verses! It dawned on me, that we, here today, have not physically 'seen' Jesus - but we HAVE!! We know His character, His ways, His attributes.... so, when we 'see' these things in people that are following Jesus - we SEE Him! Which means, we SEE God! We are "seeing the invisible God" visible in these people and actions. Wow! I've been a whiny baby for years, complaining that we don't get to 'see' Jesus - ouch!! The ONLY difference between seeing Him then and seeing Him now - He is perfect, and our human examples are not. Wow!

    The next part that got me, was that God created all things seen and unseen. Kingdoms and rulers. Which means, WAYYYYYY before we were even thought of, He knew in time what was coming. Who was coming and what they are/were going to do. Good or bad. Yes, I know, He knew ME before I was conceived, and you....but the 'rulers' as well as 'kingdoms' - wow! Not one thing escapes God, or what His design is - because ALL was created THRU the lenses and filter of Jesus! (Mind blown a tad here) Not only is all of creation in Gods hands, but like the scene in the movie Ghost - ALL THREE are together, holding us, our world - our day, our life! What?!?! Yes!!! That means even the tiny mundane things we have on our 'to-do' list, HE IS HOLDING it ALL together! So, even when we feel 'out of control' or things aren't going how we 'planned' - we need NOT worry or fret! Because, He IS holding it!! Wow!! I REALLY needed Him telling me this today. So, Friend/Sister - remember this today. His love is SO great for us, that NOT ONE SECOND of our day is unaccounted for! NOT ONE! I get it - the worry and fret, I do! So, how do we "stop worrying"? Well, first of all, we need to have an open line of communication with Him - through prayer. Just plain and simple talking to Him, like we would with a friend. He IS the best possible Friend EVER! He will NEVER leave us, lie about us, trick us, or stab us in the back. He is not a 'fair-weather-friend' - He IS with us through thick and thin. In ALL of our ups and downs. When we are having good days and or bad. When we are behaving pretty and like God's children, and when we are behaving ugly and acting like children of the enemy. Jesus already KNOWS our day and every minute/second in it, before it ever even happens! So, worrying or getting all hung up in the day and what is happening, actually is just a waste of energy on our part. It is already going to work out the best way for us, and God already knows the outcome, so anything "we" do to try and 'fix' it - could actually mess up the best design for us. Now THAT is a sobering thought! That I can actually put my two cents in where it doesn't belong, and mess up the better blessing for my day! Ouch! So the next step, is at the moment of panic, hold up our right hand, and call out to Daddy, and give up whatever it is we are trying to do, change, control about the day - and ask Him to take over. Yes, we can even talk it out, voicing our opinion as He is guiding us along, as long as we are holding His hand, and following what He directs us to do. Like a precious little child (that we are) having their hand held by a parent, not necessarily in protest, but with questions flying out in every direction of where they are going, what they are doing, and why.... We've ALL been there, or seen it happen around us! We ARE "that" child! And it's ok! As long as we keep hold of His hand, and follow His promptings. And nest part: we HAVE to hear Him and His voice! The only way to do that, is to read or listen to His word from the bible. If you don't have time to sit and read for yourself, then get it on audio. Listen to it in the car, while you are walking, while preparing dinner for the family.... In order to KNOW what and how He thinks and works, we have to HEAR it from Him! Have a blessed and productive day. Watch, listen and feel Him with you today. <3


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