How We Are To Treat Our Family

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:1-2‬ “Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father. Talk to younger men as you would to your own brothers. Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters."

     This chapter is a GREAT example of how we should be, but what struck me, was....what if we didn't have a father, or brothers? Or had a not so respectable mother, or didn't have a sister? OR what if we have siblings that we don't get along with, fight with, and are just not a good example??

     To me, God wouldn't have Paul tell us these things, if they weren't possible. Just like Jesus is the example of the BEST brother/sister anyone could have...and God the BEST Father example - WE are to be the 'sister' God created us to be! It doesn't matter if 'they' are not good people, or if 'they' don't exist, we are to treat others with the respect that God created them to have/get. So, treating older men and women as if they were your 'family' - is not that hard, if you look at them thru the 'filter' of Jesus. Respect, give dignity, honor, cherish them and their life they have lived! Then those younger than us: talk and behave towards them as they ARE our brother and sister thru Jesus. Talking respectfully, and treating purely.

     If you do have siblings, pray for them today. If you don't, then think of family, friends, or neighbors that are 'like family' and pray for them. If you work, you are with those people more than your own family - they are your 'work-family', pray for them as brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers. Be well today, and may you prosper at all you put your hands to!


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