Is Your Past Messing Up Your Future

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭99:8 “Lord our God, You answered them; You were to Israel a forgiving God, though You punished their misdeeds."

     A spot of reality here. God hears us. He answers us. He forgives us. But, it's not all just swept under the rug. Sometimes, there are consequences for our sins and choices. Sometimes there is a punishment for them. Sometimes this punishment seems to last a long time. Like a perfect example of a loving and faithful Father, He MUST discipline us with fairness and justice. We are forgiven. We are human and fail - it's part of how He created us - BUT - we are made in the image of Jesus, so we CAN overcome things that trip us up - only with and thru Him, Jesus! He who is in us, is greater than he who is in the world. 'We' are in the world. But we don't have to succumb to everything in it! Including the lies 'we' tell ourselves! All we need to do is 'ask' Him for His forgiveness. He won't behave like some of our earthly fathers, and put conditions on us, or worse yet, make us feel unworthy of his love and forgiveness. Our Heavenly Father will ALWAYS love us unconditionally - even when we mess up! God is a forgiving God - this is in the bible because it is a promise! One we can hold on to each and every day. The catch? We have to be the ones to go to Him and confess what we have done, and ask Him for His forgiveness. Then, done. Today, KNOW God forgives!

    Yes, we may not be chained up or tied up any more - but we may still have to wear the "decorative bracelets" we have on. It does take some time, to correct some of our unwise choices. However, the real and true freedom comes from the forgiveness that comes from God immediately. Pretty soon the "bracelets" of our bondage will disappear too! For me, my weight was the covering I wore that was the outward showing of the bondage I was held captive to on the inside. Yes, I am being "made new" and the outside is being chipped away. However, the inside, where no-one sees, is still being worked on. There are still things that are holding me down. Yet, I have the confidence of these verses, that God WILL make me new, and those "ropes" will be gone for good, real soon!! My "ropes" are broken, and slowly coming off - yours CAN too! It really does start with confession, then accepting the gift of forgiveness from our loving Heavenly Father. Really! He is right next to us, ready and waiting to hear from us, so He CAN answer us!


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