What Are You Pursuing
1 Timothy 6:11, 14
Vs 11: “But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness."
Vs 14: "that you obey this command without wavering. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."
Pursue: "to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time" - to me, this is ongoing, the long-haul, continuous, over and over, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... Put your name in place of Timothy because YOU are a woman of God. If you are not pursuing righteousness, a godly life, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness - then you are chasing or living after evil and evil things. There is not a "middle ground" - you are either pursuing godliness or you are pursuing evil. If you are doing things in secret or even out in the open, that people can find fault with - STOP it!!! Jesus sacrificed Himself for US, so we could be FREE from the bondage, chains, prison of sin/guilt/shame!! Do you think 'you can't do it on your own' and/or 'there's no one who understands, no one to help me'... well, you are right! No one here on earth can fill that spot! They are not designed or made to, for you or me! BUT, God in His mercy, graciously came here in Jesus, who when He died and went to hell - He did THAT so we wouldn't have to!! After He rose from the dead, then rose to heaven, the Holy Spirit took over. It is by, thru, because of and with the Holy Spirit that you DO have the ability and power to break ALL chains that are holding you down!!
Need to quit smoking? Drinking? Medications? Drugs? Anger? Lying? Stealing? Abuse? Laziness? Depression? Being trapped in these chains and dark prison, does NOT have to be permanent! Jesus is the ONLY way to break free!! You have to DECIDE and CHOSE to ask Him to free you from them, and then stand firm in that decision no matter what! Following Him and how He guides you - THAT is victory and freedom!! There are always two paths to choose from. Our 'nature' is to follow the 'fun, sinful' path. However, following Jesus on the right path is FUN too!! Filled with true and pure joy and happiness. Not something bottled and sold and ends up being full of lies and deceit! I'm not gonna lie - for some people it's easy and instant, for others it's work. Like me, it is an ongoing, constant 'pursuing' of His will and righteousness, that I 'chase' after each day. It's worth it!! Today, ask the Holy Spirit what chains are keeping you from freely living for Jesus - then ask Him to release you from that bondage and the power of darkness!! I'm excited to give God glory for your victory!!
Vs 11: “But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness."
Vs 14: "that you obey this command without wavering. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."
Pursue: "to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time" - to me, this is ongoing, the long-haul, continuous, over and over, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... Put your name in place of Timothy because YOU are a woman of God. If you are not pursuing righteousness, a godly life, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness - then you are chasing or living after evil and evil things. There is not a "middle ground" - you are either pursuing godliness or you are pursuing evil. If you are doing things in secret or even out in the open, that people can find fault with - STOP it!!! Jesus sacrificed Himself for US, so we could be FREE from the bondage, chains, prison of sin/guilt/shame!! Do you think 'you can't do it on your own' and/or 'there's no one who understands, no one to help me'... well, you are right! No one here on earth can fill that spot! They are not designed or made to, for you or me! BUT, God in His mercy, graciously came here in Jesus, who when He died and went to hell - He did THAT so we wouldn't have to!! After He rose from the dead, then rose to heaven, the Holy Spirit took over. It is by, thru, because of and with the Holy Spirit that you DO have the ability and power to break ALL chains that are holding you down!!
Need to quit smoking? Drinking? Medications? Drugs? Anger? Lying? Stealing? Abuse? Laziness? Depression? Being trapped in these chains and dark prison, does NOT have to be permanent! Jesus is the ONLY way to break free!! You have to DECIDE and CHOSE to ask Him to free you from them, and then stand firm in that decision no matter what! Following Him and how He guides you - THAT is victory and freedom!! There are always two paths to choose from. Our 'nature' is to follow the 'fun, sinful' path. However, following Jesus on the right path is FUN too!! Filled with true and pure joy and happiness. Not something bottled and sold and ends up being full of lies and deceit! I'm not gonna lie - for some people it's easy and instant, for others it's work. Like me, it is an ongoing, constant 'pursuing' of His will and righteousness, that I 'chase' after each day. It's worth it!! Today, ask the Holy Spirit what chains are keeping you from freely living for Jesus - then ask Him to release you from that bondage and the power of darkness!! I'm excited to give God glory for your victory!!