How To Start "New" Each Day
Psalm 118:28-29 “You are my God, and I will praise You; You are my God, and I will exalt You. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."
Pretty straight forward. Ever wonder why in the Bible or like in this chapter, something is repeated more than once? First of all, Psalms are songs. Just like songs we sing today, there is a chorus - which is repeated over and over. Usually, it's the chorus we remember and get stuck in our head. God wants certain truths to be 'stuck in our head' - better yet, 'stuck in our heart'! So, when something is repeated in scripture when you read, remember, it's important, grab hold of it, get it 'stuck' in your heart, mind, thoughts, and soul!!
Let's start the week/today with a fresh, new, clean slate, ... praise God thru the ABC's, then thank Him thru the ABC's - lift Him up! Not for His sake, but for ours! This is so we will have truth in our thoughts and they will override the negative ones. This is how we CAN start over each and every day. When we bring our cares and concerns to the ONLY One who can actually help us with them, and confess anything that pops in our head that we have done wrong or sinful - then we DO have a "clean slate" with our heavenly Father. God is the only One who has the 'magic eraser' for our lives. Each and every day is brand new. It has never been lived before. When we start our day, with Him, confessing and thanking Him of things - He uses that BIG eraser and wipes our slate clean! EVERY day!! So, it is up to us to give "life" and ourselves a fair chance, and not allow the past, or even yesterday rob us of the blessings He has coming for us today. Be safe out there today! Enjoy the clean, fresh day He has blessed us with!
Pretty straight forward. Ever wonder why in the Bible or like in this chapter, something is repeated more than once? First of all, Psalms are songs. Just like songs we sing today, there is a chorus - which is repeated over and over. Usually, it's the chorus we remember and get stuck in our head. God wants certain truths to be 'stuck in our head' - better yet, 'stuck in our heart'! So, when something is repeated in scripture when you read, remember, it's important, grab hold of it, get it 'stuck' in your heart, mind, thoughts, and soul!!
Let's start the week/today with a fresh, new, clean slate, ... praise God thru the ABC's, then thank Him thru the ABC's - lift Him up! Not for His sake, but for ours! This is so we will have truth in our thoughts and they will override the negative ones. This is how we CAN start over each and every day. When we bring our cares and concerns to the ONLY One who can actually help us with them, and confess anything that pops in our head that we have done wrong or sinful - then we DO have a "clean slate" with our heavenly Father. God is the only One who has the 'magic eraser' for our lives. Each and every day is brand new. It has never been lived before. When we start our day, with Him, confessing and thanking Him of things - He uses that BIG eraser and wipes our slate clean! EVERY day!! So, it is up to us to give "life" and ourselves a fair chance, and not allow the past, or even yesterday rob us of the blessings He has coming for us today. Be safe out there today! Enjoy the clean, fresh day He has blessed us with!