What Are You Wearing On Your Head

James 1:18 "He chose to give birth to us by giving us His true Word. And we, out of all creation, became His prized possession."

     How are you feeling today? Do you "feel" like you are His 'prized possession'? Or are you "feeling" less than? Well, let me tell you - your "feelings" don't matter! They are lying to you if you think anything less than 'prized, valued, treasured'! We are Gods precious, valued, loved, and treasured children! Plain and simple - we are His children, and He doesn't make mistakes. He created us in His image - and in His likeness. Perhaps the question I should be asking you today is: what do you think of God? What is He to you? Is He just a "Sunday" thing? Is He just your go-to for 911 things? How about as a relationship - are you able to go to Him anytime, any place, with anything on your mind? Are you waiting until you are "all put together" before you start up a relationship with Him?

     Picture this: your neighbors. You know them and you see them coming and going throughout the week. You wave 'hi' and tip your head when they are walking their dog. Then one day, you learn that one of them has had a death in the family. What do you do? Well, most likely, you go over and offer your condolences, or send them a card and maybe some flowers. Perhaps you even take them a meal. If you see and visit with them on a regular basis, you may even grieve with them in this time of loss. Your relationship is there and has been built over time. But, did you say, "Oh I can't go be friends with them until I get my education done and get a good job and have a new car..."? NO! You went over as you are. If you are like mot people, they see you at your worst and best. They know when you are running late by the speed in which you leave the house. They know when you are home, due to your cars and or lights. They know when you want to be left alone due to the darkness of your house. My question is this: when we are around others be it work, hobbies, or at home - do you "wait" until your 'act is together' before you spark up conversations, ask them questions, and seek to have a relationship? Honestly - probably not! Why? Because if you did, then you would NEVER meet and know anyone!

     The same is true with God. He is right there, ready and waiting to be your 'friend/neighbor/co-worker'. He doesn't care what your bank account has init! He doesn't care about your clothes, your car, even your home. He is wanting you just as you are! Good, bad, and different - ALL of you! Why? Because you ARE a 'prized possession' to Him!! Worthy of His love, affection, attention, blessings! Yes, YOU ARE worthy of it!! You ARE!! Today, even if you don't "feel" like it - reach up your right hand, and grab a hold of His, and let Him lovingly guide you and shower you with blessings today! Don't you want to be spoiled? Don't you want to be 'first' in someones book? Don't you want to KNOW you are loved, cherished, and of value? I'm telling you - you ARE all of these things, to the One who matters above anyone else! Out of all creation, YOU are valued, treasured, worthy, loved, wanted, acknowledged, praised, YOU are prized! He has placed a beautiful, expensive, amazing crown on your head - wear it proudly! Accept it. Thank Him for it. Remember it when the enemy lies to you today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.... No earthly love or person can compare to the immeasurable depth and height of His love and affection for you! You are special - be proud of that! You are daily wearing the BEST crown jewels ever! Have a GREAT day, be well, be safe! I am praying for you!


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