Will You Be Lifted Or Pulled

Proverbs 6:12-13 "What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars, signaling their deceit with a wink of the eye, a nudge of the foot, or the wiggle of fingers."

     Well, if this doesn't describe just about every "bad guy" in the movies! Hopefully you don't have many of these people in your life. I pray that none of these type of people are in your inner circle of influence in your day to day life. The Lord is super good at revealing things to us! What came to my mind today, was how I used to have several people in my life like this, and I unfortunately listened to them and their advise. Yup, it lead to wrong choices, wrong actions and behaviors, and much heartache and trouble. It is NOT our "job" to straighten them out, or try and 'make them good'. Sadly, a lot of them are influenced by the enemy, and have hardened hearts towards the things of God.

     Imagine you are on a rock, say 5 feet up (or as tall as you are). You have a friend that is on the ground below  you. Same height, same weight. You want them up on the rock with you. They want you on the ground with them. If you bend down, and grab their hand to pull them up - which way do you think you are going to go? Are you going to have more strength and will to "pull them up" OR will their smaller efforts, less strength, and gravity pull you down? Hopefully you can see which is more likely to happen - you will fall down, or they will pull you down MUCH easier than you can pull them up. Even IF they actually said they wanted UP there with you, and even tried to climb the sides of the rock.... when they have ONE slip, down you both will go! God warns us, to be cautious, loving and forgiving - yet wise as eagles and gentle as doves. When we see the "signals" of wicked people around us, it is totally OK to go the other way! It starts simple enough. Perhaps they are talking gossip about someone. Or devising a plan that seems like a joke to play on someone. Or they have just said something hurtful, then quickly followed it with a "just kidding" and a wink. These are NOT people you want to have in your inner circle!! You CAN and SHOULD excuse yourself and move in the other direction. Yes, even if it is family.

     Today, I am praying for you to have "God Glasses" on, so that you can 'see' the people around you in your life, who may have these traits. Then, that you will have the courage and strength to NOT be around them so much. Put on your Full Armor of God, ask for His guidance, then bravely move forward in your day to bless and serve others. Be safe, be well, and KNOW that you ARE loved!!


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