How Long Is Your List
1 Timothy 1:15-16 “15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very
reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus
might display His immense patience as an example for those who would
believe in Him and receive eternal life.”
Have you ever thought of yourself as the “worst”
of something? Have you ever been involved in a ‘judgment’ of a whole
group (that you really didn’t partake in) but suffered anyway? Have you ever
been in a gathering of people, and felt like you didn’t ‘fit in’? Here’s an “ouch”
question: have you ever been the ‘ring leader’ in a situation that was not a
wise decision, choice, action… to be in? Looking back at your life, or the life
you are living now – are there things, moments, days…. that you feel like you
are the “worst of them all”? Well, we are in good company! Paul realized where
he was before Jesus, and how far Jesus had brought him. He realized, that it was
Jesus and Jesus alone that had saved him from eternal judgment and hell.
Now, you may
have committed similar crimes as Paul did, and you may think that the worst
thing you have done is tell a white-lie. The truth is: in Gods hand-book of
life – sin is sin. All are equal. Once you commit one, it is as if you have
committed them all. Unfortunately, I have actually broken each and every one of
the 10 commandments, literally. I have also broken each one with thoughts of
doing them. Ouch! However, here’s the GOOD NEWS in verse 16: we are shown mercy
by Jesus Himself! Why? So that others will see this mercy, forgiveness and
grace AND be drawn to Him! To believe in Him and receive eternal life!! THAT is
why Jesus came to earth: for us, to save us, to help and heal us! So that we
will be able to spend eternity with Him, and not be separated by our sins, and
live in hell for eternity! Jesus came for the “sick” not the “well”. The ‘well’
do not need a doctor, but the sick do. That’s us LOL However, Jesus has immense patience for each and every one of us!
No matter how long it takes, He stands there beside us, ready and waiting for
us to turn to Him. Yes, some of us need a LOT of practice in this area, because
we keep following our own heart and flesh into unwise choices – but remember
this: each and every day, is brand new! Fresh, clean, no mistakes! Each and
every night – we CAN go to bed with a clean slate or clear conscience. How? By
spilling our beans to God, and asking for His forgiveness! It is not as easy as
it sounds, I totally understand! However, if Paul can be forgiven, so can we!