How Do You Feel About Your Children

Proverbs 29:17 "Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad."

Proverbs 29:15 "To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child."

     Well, this jumped out at me in an unexpected way! When my Hubby, Todd, and I go to Knott's Berry Farm with our season pass, we see lots and lots of different people and families. It always amazes us, no matter the time of day or night we go, that some people are just not happy to be there. Some parents are scolding their kids. Then there are a few that seem to have no control of their kids and the running around they are doing. From lines, to rides, to the food stations - some families are calm and collected, while others seem to be this little tornado of chaos.

     Unfortunately, when this happens, people (us included) look to see where the mother is. Not the father for some reason. Maybe because that is the way we are wired? I'm not sure, but it is true like these verses say: 'a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child' - yes, a dad is affected too, but people instinctively look for the mother first. Sure, in a perfect world, we all would have taken parenting classes BEFORE our children needed correction LOL, but that is not the case for far too many of us. WE can only do, based on what we experienced. Waiting until our children are older, makes is a LOT harder to 'train them in the way they should go' and makes the disgrace last WAY longer too!  "But Lisa Marie, is it too late for me?!" No, it is not!! Will it take HARD work? YES!! Will it happen/change over night? NO! Do you always have to "be on guard"? YES!!

Verse 29 jumped out at me in the form of a question. A deep inner heart question. It is not an easy one to ask, not answer honestly. However, I believe there is freedom in knowing truth. Freedom from self-blame and freedom from negative self talk and all that goes with that! Ok - so, you ask yourself, privately, honestly: "How do I feel about my children? Is my heart glad? Do I have peace of mind?" If you answered positively to these, then YAY!! You are on the right track!! If you answered negatively, then you have some work to do! First of all, acknowledge that this is the true spot you and your kids are in today in life. Then confess to God, that you perhaps have messed up, and now you need His assistance to get everyone on the right track. This is REALLY super hard! I know! Believe me!! But, doing this first, allows you to be open and free to explore the things God will show you and bring you to help you in this area. Now, second step - ask for help. If you had a drinking problem and realized it was ruining your life and you wanted to change - you woud ask for help, right?! Or, if you came to grips with truth of your health, and you knew you were going to die if you didn't change things - you would ask for, search out, and go to anyone and anyplace for help! Right?!?! Yes, you would. Well, your family and your legacy for the future deserve the same type of diligence and determination. So, pull up your Big Girl/Boy Boots and get ready for the work ahead. It is not easy, but in the end it is VERY worth it!!!

     Today, I pray your heart is glad when you think honestly of your family and children. I am praying for you if this is not a true reality for you. I pray that you STOP ignoring the truth, and that you STOP being selfish and lazy! I pray that you have strength, courage, and ability to stand up, get up, and get going on finding the help needed to help you and your family. Truly, it really WILL be good! God created us to have boundaries and discipline. He also created us to have peace and joy. If you do not have that when you look honestly at yourself and your family - then you CAN do something about it! You CAN get the help necessary/needed. Be brave - ask for the help. Then accept it, even when it is hard. Know that you ARE loved, even in this area, and that God is not judging you, but He is hurt WITH you in your pain and suffering. You are NOT alone!! There really ARE people out there who are in your shoes, or were, and have found freedom. Seek them out. Follow their advise. Search the scriptures and see the many examples of God's design for discipline and boundaries. I love you. Jesus loves you. You CAN change and make things better!! YOU CAN!! <3


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