How Is Your Pocket

Proverbs 21:20 "The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get."

Ok - ouch! This is super personal to me, about me. I don't have wealth and luxury as I picture it in my head, like a mansion and money to burn.... However, I WAS a "fool" before!! I wasn't taught to 'save' money really. I followed the old saying, "You let money burn a hole in your pocket" and sure enough, as soon as I had 'money in my pocket' I would find something that I just "had to have".

Unfortunately, I didn't understand what being a good steward of money was. I also never seemed to 'get ahead' - I was always living paycheck to paycheck. My instant gratification was more important than my long term wants and dreams. Until, I met my husband. I witnessed that you can do things and even have things, and yet not spend beyond your means. I watched as he had goals to have certain amounts of money saved in the bank - and he did NOT touch that money, so that it could grow. He was the one that showed me, just because I got an extra paycheck this month due to 5 weeks, it was not "free money" to spend on nonsense. There was ALWAYS something I didn't remember or account for that came up! Then, that money was needed.

Reading Proverbs, has also helped show me, that God DOES want us to enjoy life and living. However, NOT at the expense of being in debt, or being a 'slave' to someone through debt. To owe no man anything, is super hard to do in this day in age. But, it is not impossible! It didn't happen overnight that is for sure! It took a LOT of practice and a LOT of weighing my options in the "spending moment". Did I really need this? Or was it a 'want'? Did I have a place for it when I got home? Was this item going to matter or even be with me in 5 years? LOL I learned to "think" about things in my shopping cart as I walked through the store. Sure, I would put things in, but not necessarily buy them when I got to the check-stand. I guess, having them in the cart, gave a feeling of 'owning' them, and walking around with them in there, gave me a feeling of living with them. I wasn't being deprived. However, I really would think about them in our home, where it was going to go, how I was going to use it, if it would still be around in 5 years... By the time I got to the check-stand, I would have a pretty big pile of "go-backs" LOL

The bible tells us to be good stewards of things. Not just our money, but our time as well. This verse reminds me of where I was, and how foolish I was. In ALL areas of my life. Now, because of me denying my flesh on many occasions, we actually have a 'savings account' AND an 'emergency fund'. I just didn't realize how quickly money CAN be saved, when you actually 'save' it! LOL I love how God puts things into black and white, super simple and direct for us. I am far from 'wise' but I do feel I am not a 'fool' anymore.

You too can be 'wise' and learn from any 'foolish' past you have been involved in. Is it easy? Not really. Is it possible? You bet it is!!! Can you do it on your own? Probably not. There are so many people who are skilled in our churches today. There are people like Dave Ramsey that does FPU (financial peace university). There are men and women who are skilled at home organization. There are others still, who are good a managing their time and priorities. You do NOT have to do it all on your own. Sometimes, we are actually made strong in and from our weaknesses.

If you want bigger and better things for you and your family, then start with one thing today. Maybe it is to not indulge in something that has become a habit. Put that money aside, out of sight, and don't touch it. At the end of the week, put it into another place, where it is safe and out of sight. Pretty soon, you will have a little something built up, and from there, it just grows and grows ;-) God wants us, His children to prosper and be content with what we have. He LOVES blessing us with internal and external things! As we follow His guidance, we are building up our character. Which in turn, builds up our heart. Which in turns spills out onto and into other peoples lives. I pray that today, you can catch yourself in ways you didn't even realize you were not being a good steward. Ask the Lord to show you and help you to be a better steward, manager, caretaker.... of the things He has given you! He will have the Holy Spirit shine a spotlight on things, and then the Holy Spirit will give you a road map to the path that is honoring and brings glory to God. Lets all walk this path with thankful hearts and a glad bounce in our steps!! Be well today, be safe, and KNOW that you ARE loved!!


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