Are You Being "Passed" By
Mark 6:47-50 Later
that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and He was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind
was against them. Shortly before dawn He went out to them, walking on the lake.
He was about to pass by them, but when they saw Him walking on the lake,
they thought He was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw Him
and were terrified. Immediately He spoke to them and
said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Verse 48 “He was about to pass by
them” jumped out at me. What?! He was walking out towards them, then was going
to pass them by?!?! Well, after reading and rereading this over and over.
Praying for understanding. Researching ‘google’. I have come to the conclusion
in two things. First, He was showing His deity. Second, He was waiting on their
cry for help.
Jesus had been apart from them ALL night long.
Remember the verses before? He was on a hill praying while He sent them on
ahead in the boat, remember? I don’t know what He and God were talking about
during that time, but I do know from reading Mark, Matthew, and John on this
account – that the disciples were still having trouble believing or
understanding Jesus’ deity. He saw them from the shore. Not because He had really
good sight, but because He had x-ray vision, so to speak. Just like He knew
what people were thinking or intended when they came up to Him, He could see
the disciples and their struggle.
Now, He could have been
approaching the boat, and planning on meeting them on the other side of the
lake and just wanted them to ‘witness’ Him walking on the water. Showing His
deity. They knew from before, that He can calm the wind and waves, and yet,
they didn’t cry out to Him. Why? Because He wasn’t standing right there next to
them? OUCH! How many times have I said, “If only Jesus were here in person, so
I could reach out and touch Him, talk to Him, feel Him” goodness! I have been
guilty of NOT calling out to Him, simply because He didn’t seem near to me.
Then, when they DO cry out, He
changes His mind, and walks over to the boat instead of passing by them. This,
to me, shows that just because He is God and has a specific plan, that our
cries for His help can change His mind. Who knows what the original plan was,
but that Mark specifically spells it out here, that Jesus intended to “pass
them by” and that God wanted Mark to put it in his writings, must mean that we
are to learn something from it!
What I feel I’m being taught in
this: Jesus is near ALL the time! He sees everything we are going through. All
of the struggles, hardships, pain, sorrow, confusion, fear… and He is right
there, in sight. We just need to look up and cry out. LOL Even if we do NOT cry
out to Him, He is still walking closely to us at all times. Yes, we too can
mistakenly think that Jesus is showing up to us in the form of someone or
something else (like a ghost) and be filled with fear or confusion. However, I
have learned that MANY times Jesus has shown up and used someone to do His work
to or for me. Jesus wants us to KNOW that He is who He says He is. We have Him
in us/with us at ALL times! He wants us to keep our focus on Him and not our
surroundings or situations.
Today, let’s confess that we too
have taken our eyes off of Him, and have gotten sucked into the world’s way of
thinking, feeling, and acting in certain situations. God has proven over and
over again, that He has changed His plans for our benefit. There are plenty of
examples of this in the bible! The old phrase that is still used today “the squeaky
wheel gets the oil” comes from us taking our cares and concerns to our
wonderful, amazing Father! Don’t be afraid! Don’t try and “think for” God and
His decisions. Let’s go to Him, trusting that He WILL guide, direct, and change
things to fit what is best for us in any given situation or circumstance. I
say, start off by thanking Him and praising Him for things (go through the ABC’s
and praise Him with something for each letter) that are in or have happened in
your life. THEN bring your requests to Him. He’s right there. Watching.
Praying. Working. Be well today my friend. Be safe. Pay attention to your
blessings today – there are a TON of them just waiting for you to see them! Life is NOT passing you by. You just have to open your eyes and "see" it.