How Heavy Is Your Load Today
Luke 9:23-24 Then He said to them all: “Whoever wants to be My disciple
must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me. For whoever
wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will
save it.
Wow, there is just SO much in these two verses!! First
off, what is a disciple anyway? [Disciple – refers generally to any “student,” “pupil,”
“apprentice,” or “adherent,” as opposed to a “teacher.” The concept of being a
disciple is a willing, listening, and obedient heart.] So the first step is to
actually deny ourselves. Which means, that we have control over ourselves even
in our “uncontrollable” moments. Denying ourselves the sinful desires and
reactions to things, people, circumstances and such – takes a DAILY habit of
doing so! Not that we ‘become’ a Christian over and over each day – but we “take
up our cross” which means we need to “choose/decide” to be a Christian each day
(or act/live like one). Our ‘cross’ may be any and all of our things that we
just feel out of control in or with. Attitudes, actions, habits, words,
thoughts, non-verbal, physical, emotional… pretty much ALL of us in ALL of our
day LOL Some days our cross might be a light, little fireplace log. Other days it may seem like a whole semi-truck loaded with logs. It doesn't matter - HE has the strength, not us, to be able to carry that cross/log each day. Believe that. Trust that.
Saving our life – will lose it, what?!?! To me,
this is the life we should be living underneath our sinful life and desires.
Giving up our “old nature” and the things we are drawn to that are not good for
us. Saving our life, is the key here. When we are walking around doing our own
thing, we end up being separated from God’s love, protection, and guidance.
Letting go of our selfishness, is letting go of our control over our life. The
trouble we often get ourselves in, from our selfishness CAN be avoided, if we
get up and start our day “in His will” for us and our day. “Losing their life
for Me, will save it” – well, that is the end of life. Our eternal
resting/living. Living now for Jesus, means we will live with Him for eternity
in heaven. When we deny Him, turn from Him and His ways… we are following the
enemy, the devil, right into eternal damnation living in hell. We will be tormented
on a daily basis. Hey!! When we are tormented here on earth, this is the only “hell”
we will actually experience! By giving up our ‘control’ and following what
Jesus says, what God has planned, the directions of the Holy Spirit – we LIVE here
on earth. We are saving our own life. Wow.
Can we do this perfectly each and every day? Not
really. Especially not on our own in our own strength. That’s ok – God understands.
He created us for Pete’s sake! He knit us together in our mother’s womb, each
and every nerve that has its own wants and desires. The thing about giving up “our
control” and selfishness, the things we really and truly desire, God usually
gives them to us in some form or another anyway, in time. That makes us/me ‘double
blessed’ in my book!
Today, right now, stop and get out of your own
way. Out of the way of what God has in store for you. His best! Just stop.
Breathe. Admit/confess that you are going about your day all willy-nilly and
spinning out of control. Then reach up your hand like a child and ask our
Heavenly Father to take over. To take the burdens of ‘your cross’ off your
shoulders, and replace them with His strength, wisdom, abilities and obedience.
You may even have to physically say out loud, “Oh gosh Lord, I’ve been running
in a million directions! Which direction is the one You have for me?” Then stay
still. Breathe. Listen….. Wait a minute….. Breathe some more. Listen deeper in
your heart. He will tell you and show you the direction you are supposed to be
going today. Now, obey. LOL Yup! You are now a “disciple” learning from the one
and only perfect Teacher! ;-) Have a GREAT day ‘disciple’ – be well, be safe,
be blessed.