How To Get To Heaven - Plain & Simple (mic drop)

Romans 10:9-10 and 13 (NLT)
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. 
 13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

That’s it plain and simple! Being ‘saved’, going to heaven, having life after death, getting to have a personal relationship with Jesus, having God’s Holy Spirit live and dwell in you to guide and direct your life…. It really IS this simple. Openly say with your mouth out loud to someone, that you believe that God sent Jesus to be your Savior, that He died and was buried and then God rose Him on the 3rd day – you will be saved. Believe this.

It is not the “works” you do, how nice or kind you are, how ‘good’ you are, how much money you have and give away, how much you help the poor, how quick you are to forgive, how calm-cool-collected you are… NONE of that is what saves your life and gives you eternal life in heaven with God = Salvation. You are ONLY saved by believing and proclaiming that Jesus is the Son of God, He came to earth, was crucified and died for us and our sins (yes, ALL of them!), then God raised Him from the dead on the 3rd day.

What happened next? He lived, breathed, moved, walked, ate, was touched by people here on earth for 40 days then He was raised up into heaven right before the eyes of many witnesses. He did not “die again” but was lifted up into the clouds and entered into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God for all eternity. He is now our go-between. Not some other saint, angel, person… just Jesus. 

His gift to us that believe in Him and call out His name is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one that drives us in our daily life. Talks to us in our inner heart. The Holy Spirit is part of the trinity, or three parts of God, and we get to have the honor and privilege of having the very Spirit of Jesus living inside of us! Wow!!

If you have heard that you have to “do” things to become a child of God – then you need to go get a bible and read it for yourself. You need to ask for and then seek out truth for yourself. Don’t just go by what people tell you – look it up and see for yourself. There is NO other way to heaven but through Jesus. Jesus is our "bridge" that we get to cross and be with God. He is like the ultimate ‘gate keeper’ – and we ALL must go through Him in order to be with God. That’s it. Plain and simple. No fancy-shmancy long list of ‘to do’ things, no hard to follow rituals or rules, no self-inflicted harm, no losing everything… Just you, as you are, right here and now. God meets us right where we are – dirt and all LOL Don’t think you need to be all cleaned up and perfect before you can meet God either!! That will never happen, on our own. You just have to trust and believe, and confess it out loud to someone. Done. (mic drop)

Perhaps you just need this little bit of reassurance, or you know someone who does. Perhaps people have made it all seem so hard and impossible. Well, there are TONS of scriptures that tell us otherwise. Short and simple (some say too simple). Believe, confess, accept. Have a GREAT rest of your day. I am praying for you and anyone you may need to share God’s simple plan of salvation with. I am praying that you accept this amazing gift from God. He WILL accept you and adopt you into His family JUST AS YOU ARE! Blessing to you and yours.


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