Kindness Breaks Chains

Proverbs 22:7 "Poor people are slaves of the rich. Borrow money and you are the lender's slave."

This hits home for me today, due to some work we are having done on our driveway. The word ‘poor/rich’ doesn’t necessarily fit – but the concept does. The ‘borrow money’ part is what hit me. For this job to be done, he asked for a deposit for the work and cement. Of course, that seems reasonable, right?! Especially when it is a person or family trying to work to make life better for themselves. Well, what strikes me, is that that means they are in a way “borrowing” from us for the job. They should be on a timeline, and have different parts of the job done at certain times. Well, when they run behind, we as the “lender” can start to become frustrated, and seem like we are trying to boss them around or be a slave-master of sorts.

I think anyone that has a home-based business, that requires money up front, is at risk of becoming a slave to that person. You never know when something might happen, and you are then unable to hold up your end of the obligation. Now, with goods it is easier – you make it, someone likes it, they buy it and take it with them. However, a service is a little harder. A lot of people pay AFTER the service is done. Which is good, then you can see how well the work is and such. That to me, makes it like a ‘slave and master’ – because the person you are doing the service for, CAN disagree with the way the work was done, and therefore withhold payment. You then have just become their slave. Crazy, right?!?!

I have noticed that the homeless population here in CA has gotten a lot bigger. Sure, there are different programs that are supposed to be helping, but I wonder if the homeless people have experienced “working” for someone, then to only be stiffed? I can totally see how they would have the seeds of a hardened heart, and not want to be in that situation again. So, they try to find ways to get paid fairly. Unfortunately, there is not much fairness in things for them.
Perhaps that is why the homeless seem to have multiplied – they are “done” being ruled and a slave to others. Just a thought.

With our Lord, it is not like this! He comes to us, and gives us the opportunity to have an amazing gift of salvation = eternal life with Him… AT NO COST! Free and NO strings attached. No work to be done for it, no money to be offered for it, no changing first… nope – we get to come to Him just as we are! Young, old, rich, poor, slave or free – He loves and accepts us unconditionally! Now, I won’t lie – once you start having and building a relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will touch your heart and make you think twice on things. Because of the forgiveness He gives, we then have the desire to do good things, serve others, and help out however we can – but it is NOT a requirement of salvation! The only ‘requirement’ for salvation, the gift of forgiveness, and eternal life in heaven – is to believe that Jesus is who He is, that He died for you (and me) and our sins, that He rose again on the 3rd day, and is now in heaven interceding for us with God via the Holy Spirit. Believing and trusting that Jesus is who He is – and that He came and did what He did – for us! That is it! No other muble-jumble. No payments, works, giving, doing – just believing and having faith. That is it. Yes, it IS that simple!

Today, I encourage you to keep an eye out for those situations where you can “see” people that are being a “slave” to/for someone (that means ANYONE in a retail position). Perhaps you can pray for them. If it is possible to talk to them, you can give them encouraging words that will be an internal “payment” of sorts that will brighten their day. We ALL like the method of payment in encouragement ;-) You never know just how a kind word or action can 'free' someone from some of the chains they may be wearing. I don’t have an answer for someone offering a service to others, and how to get payment without being a slave. I totally understand on custom items, taking a deposit to cover the cost in case they don’t hold up their end of the deal. Just be careful. Be wise. Be diligent in what you do, and serve others – and God will work it out, I am sure of it! Have a GREAT rest of your day! I will be praying for you to “see” the slaves around you, and for you to NOT be one yourself. Be well, be safe, and BE blessed!


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