Have You Been Dis'd
Hebrews 10:35-36
35 So do not throw away this confident
trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now,
so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He
has promised.
chapter in Hebrews is talking about when we first became Christians. How, some
of us had to endure hardships because of our decisions. Back then, some ended
up in jail, were badly beaten, of course they even lost all of their “things”.
Well, here in America, we may or may not have suffered like people do in other countries
or back in the bible times. However, I DO believe that we DID have this amazing
confidence in what we chose to accept – the FREE gift of salvation through
Jesus. I see it each year at the Harvest Crusades. People that hear a message
that seems designed right for them – they come down to the field with all of
their emotions, baggage, confessions… and they are ON FIRE when they leave the
stadium! Then, they get home. Or, then they return to school and their friends.
They return to their work place… On fire and willing to share with anyone and
everyone they come into contact with!
something starts to happen. If they are not involved in a small group in a
bible teaching church, where they can share, be fed, and be built up by other
believers in and followers of Jesus – they can get discouraged, distracted,
discontented – in other words – the devil Dis’ them! The devil sends out his army of followers to "mess" with us! The funny thing is, disrespect is actually a sign of weakness. If you know anything about the bible, or have heard anything about the end times - then you KNOW that the devil and his army are the BIG losers here! Their power is WEAK! God's power is bigger and better than anything they can or ever will throw at us! Nothing happens without first crossing over in front of God first. Nothing. He works all things together for good for those who are called according to His purposes. Do, the devil and his army WILL lose in the end! Even though it seems they thrive now - they will NOT in eternity!
verses here remind us that we are to keep enduring and trusting in that faith
in Jesus! Remember the great reward He has in store for us! The rewards He
gives us on a daily basis even. For what? Faith and trust in Him. Believing ALL
of the promises He has for us. Why? To do what God wants us to do. Follow Him
in sharing Jesus with others. Living as an example of trust and faith in Jesus
and allowing the Holy Spirit to open, guide, and direct our paths each day.
Take heart my friend! Take courage! Your faith and endurance WILL
be worth it one day! The day we stand before God and give an account for our
time spent here on earth, as He welcomes us into the Kingdom of Glory. Then any
and all trials of our faith, will be shown where Gods hands were in each and
every minute as He shows us our life before us. When He opens up that Book of
Life and sees our name written in there by Jesus Himself – we will be ushered
into heaven. What a glorious day that will be!!
Be faithful, and endure with patience all that comes our way. For
we suffer here for a little while, but will be in eternal glory and praise one
day. I am praying for you today. That you are blessed beyond measure! Be well.
Be safe. Be blessed!