Do You Need To Be Cleansed Of Something

    • Have you ever had a moment in your life that needed a "change", and you needed something to 'mark' it with? How about a Baptism?

      What is Baptism? 

      1.    (in the Christian Church) the religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving.
      christening, naming
      "the baptism ceremony"
      o    a ceremony or occasion at which baptism takes place.
      plural noun: baptisms
      o    a person's initiation into a particular activity or role, typically one perceived as difficult.
      "this event constituted his baptism as a politician"
      initiationdebutintroductioninaugurationlaunch, rite of passage
      "his baptism as a politician"

      This is the one I am focusing on today. Launching a new ritual or sorts in choosing health. Something symbolic that can happen right before changing something. A lifestyle, a habit/ritual, a choice.
      Example with weight loss / healthy living:
      1.      throw out all junk foods or ‘trigger foods’
      2.      giving away all ‘fat clothes’
      3.      buying an attractive or expensive water bottle to encourage hydration
      4.      letting your “support system” of people know your changes you are making. You can say something like, “I can’t eat with you guys in the way I once did, but I still want to figure out a way we can connect.”

      Making an actual ceremony of this “rite of passage” to have something physical to see, feel, hear… in the letting go or cleaning out of things – is like a new, fresh washing of us! This “initiation” of doing this activity that is very hard, will be met with success when we have the right mindset or mind-shift into the newness of this activity.

      Kind of a wedding. There is an announcement, then a ceremony, then celebration, THEN the hard work! So too is it with something that we need to do or change in our daily routines to be able to better choose health. Making wise choices is not a natural thing to do for those of us who have struggled with weight in any way, shape, or form. However, our brains ARE trainable and it IS possible to create a new habit/ritual for our body and brain to go to first.

      My activity today will be to clean out ALL of my desk area at work (where I spend most of my waking hours in a day). Cleaning my environment. Then, I am going to have this little saying of what to say to co-workers written on an index card, taped to my door/wall and when I am asked to join or have something, I’m going to politely say this instead. I’m not afraid to ask for support, but I just don’t speak up that often. Today, I am.

      I see the parade of sugar that goes on for MONTHS quickly approaching. Starting with Bosses Day and the potluck that happened to be 98% carb type foods! Thank goodness I made an egg casserole with lots of protein!

      I want to encourage you today, if you need to make a change or be “baptized” and made new in a certain area of your life – do it!! Pray and ask the Father to have the Holy Spirit reveal to you what needs to be "cleansed" or "made new" - what you need to do to set yourself up for success, and make a fresh, clean, new start. Hold your breath, be cleansed, then rise up to the newness of the life Jesus wants for you! I’ll be praying for you and this special moment. Be well, be safe, and above all be blessed.


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