Discipline/Correction – Fun?

How we react or respond to discipline and or correction, reflects deeper than just that moment in time.

Proverbs 15:5
NIV: A fool spurns a parent’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
NLT: Only a fool despises a parents discipline, whoever learns from correction is wise.
GNB: It is foolish to ignore what your father taught you; it is wise to accept his correction.

If our “parents” are still alive, this fits – but for some of us, God is our only Parent now. Either by death or by desertion – we are children of God almighty! The Father of all fathers! So, a) we need to remember, He will not leave us nor ignore us! b) He teaches us something every day. c) His corrections/disciplines to us, are the RIGHT thing for us! d) we need to learn to ‘respond’ to situations and not judge today by yesterday’s mistakes. God doesn’t, so why should we?!?!

Why do we need discipline or correction? Why do we discipline or correct our children?! Because we see around the corner, and or have been around that block a few times lol However, with God, it is for a totally different reason! For His glory, to make us wise. Let’s not get hung up on our loss of our earthly parents, but praise God for His stepping in, adopting (choosing!) us, and loving us SO much – He teaches and corrects us with something every day! He is not lazy, but He is patient! He also does not hold our past failings against us, only WE do that! We are being very foolish when we don’t open our ears and listen up to what He shares, tells, shows us. We actually build up our trust in God and Who He is - by the discipline He walks us through. Having faith, and knowing, that He truly has our best interest at heart - is the ultimate trust from us with our lives.

I’m praying for you as well as myself today: Oh Father, thank You for another day! Thank You that You “chose” me/us to be Your child. Help me to not focus on my losses, but on what You have blessed me with today. I ask that You help guide and teach me the things that are best for me today. Help me to get out of my own way, and allow the Holy Spirit to open my eyes, ears, heart and soul to what You have for me. Thank You for how You WILL be working and moving in my life today. I pray that these things are according to Your will, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Be well, be blessed, and be safe today.


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