Intention OR Intent

What is the difference between "having intention" and "living with intent"?

Proverbs 19:2 & 21
Verse 2 - Desire without knowledge is not good - how much more will hasty feet miss the way!
Verse 21 - Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Like the difference between having intention and being or living with intent. One is a dream, wish or a want. The other is an action, plan, working with purpose. God wants us to live intentionally - with a purpose and a goal. The goal? His glory, His kingdom, His salvation - sharing the gospel/truth with others. Just "wanting" to behave like God's child, is not enough. We need the knowledge to step out in faith by or with His truth, so we don't jump quickly into a mess!

Yes, we can and should make plans, but until we take action with God's purpose in mind, we may just end up running in circles! Don't just be intentional - with only "try, dream, or want" thinking in your plans. Live with intent, a "plan of action toward a goal" with a purpose.

Today, picture yourself at the end of the work week - how do you want to feel? What do you want to have accomplished or completed? How do you want to be? Go ahead, plan - it's ok! God will direct our path, which ultimately will lead us to completing His 'plan'. That old saying is true: just take one step at a time - put one foot in front of the other - just keep moving forward... you WILL eventually get there!


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