Can You See The Voice

Have you ever looked at a natural catastrophe and actually seen beauty? Or in the middle of a storm, looked out and listened to the sounds whirling all around?

Psalm 29:3-9 (NLT)
The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea.
    The God of glory thunders.    The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.The voice of the Lord is powerful;    the voice of the Lord is majestic.The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars;    the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.He makes Lebanon’s mountains skip like a calf;    he makes Mount Hermon leap like a young wild ox.The voice of the Lord strikes    with bolts of lightning.The voice of the Lord makes the barren wilderness quake;    the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks    and strips the forests bare.In his Temple everyone shouts, “Glory!”

I don’t know about you and the “storms” you have been through or are in the middle of, or perhaps are just coming out of… But these verses show us that the Lord IS IN ALL of it!!

As I read the very first verse about the Lords voice “thundering” over the seas, I am in awe. I have been by the ocean when there has been a terrible storm. I have seen it on many a news cast. Of course, watched it in a lot of movies as well. It struck me, that the “sounds” we hear, according to these verses, are the Lords voice – and that made me sit back, literally in my chair, and pause a moment. As I sat here, I closed my eyes, and put myself in the middle of the ocean, and I listened to the thunder rolling over head. Just picking up the different pitches in the sound of the thunder. Hearing it literally roll, dip, jump, and smooth out. THEN, my spirit in me, felt as though I was hearing “words” in those sounds! Words of love, care, concern. Words of comfort, peace, and joy. All in just the thunder above me.
     Well, as I opened my eyes and continued to read, I “saw” and “heard” the words in my spirit of the Lord even more! Sometimes stern with quick speech that was alarming, jolting, for protection, as in verse 5 with the lightning “striking”. Then in verse 6, a playful voice with skipping joy!

Yes, we here on the earth feel and experience these storms and disasters in a physical way – but I wonder if we stopped and looked at it through the eyes of Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit inside us, speak to our inner being – just what we would be hearing?? His voice is powerful and majestic! Loving and correcting. Comforting and discipline all at the same time – I am just in awe!

Can you let the Lord speak to you today? Can you let the Lord have His Holy Spirit fill your soul with His voice and feel His love and comfort? Maybe some of the storms and His voice speaking to you is for “correction”, but His goal is restoration – restoring the relationship between you and Him. He is not the one that moves away from us. He is speaking to us, reaching out to us, waiting for us… It is us, we - you and me - that move away, get busy, start putting Him on the back burner.

He is just as much in the craziness of a raging storm as He is in the soft gentle breeze blowing over and all around us. Soak in His cleansing rain! Let the healing words from His lips enter your ears and feel it all the way to the bottom of your feet. He’s “talking” – we just need to listen. Be well, be safe, and BE BLESSED today!


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