Are We Really Alike

Do you ever have a moment of thinking how you could ever have something in common with someone that is different than you? Perhaps from a different culture or different neighborhood even?

Proverbs 22:2 & 6 (NLT)
Verse 2 – The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord made them both.
Verse 6 – Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

We truly are ALL created by God and God alone. He is the one that breathes life into us as we are conceived on our mother’s womb. He indeed has made us all. When we come across someone in our life that is just SO different than us, and you wonder “How can they think like that?” or “How can they do that?” – the thing to remember is, that God created them too, and He loves them too. Sure, they may not be following Him and His ways – but that doesn’t change His love for them. Just like any parent, no matter what your child does, you still love them. You may not agree or even accept some of their choices, but you DO still love them.

Which leads to the 2nd verse that jumped out at me today. A PROMISE from our Father to us: we point our kids in the right direction when they are young – and they will not depart from it when they are older. Well, if you know anything about some of the history in the bible, you know of the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) his return home and the forgiveness and acceptance from his father. Yes, we ourselves were probably a “prodigal” at one time or another. Not wanting to listen to or live like our parents LOL However, then we grow up, and start to realize that following Jesus isn’t so bad after all. You still get to laugh and have fun, enjoy things He created for us. Share life with others just like you… I hang on to this promise for myself and our children as well as for ALL parents and their kids who have wandered astray.

Please take comfort in this: God loves us and our children even more than we know how to love them. God has a plan, and a perfect time for each of us. Some take longer than others, and that is ok. God’s timing is perfect and just right at just the right time!

I am praying for you today. If you are a “prodigal”, then I am asking the Holy Spirit to guide you to some time with Jesus and talking with Him. Asking Him for help. Then confessing anything that has built a gap between you both. If you have a “prodigal” in your life, then I am praying for you to have trust and faith that God WILL answer your prayers – they WILL return to following the right path one day. If you are someone that wasn’t shown how to follow Jesus, and didn’t know or understand God’s love growing up or when you had children… no worries!! The “path” you show them of truth WILL come to light for them too. Your past is your past, and God has forgiven that – you need to let it go. Drop it, let it sink to the bottom of the ocean with all of the other sins from all of us – like a grain of sand… never to be found or picked up again. Done. Gone. Forgotten. Now you do the same. Look forward to expecting the amazingness of God to bring your child or children into His shelter. You may never see it this side of heaven. That is painful, I know – but He is at work, and He knows best. His plans are for good not harm, and to draw us all into a relationship with Him.

I am praying for you. Take that little step of faith and KNOW that God created us all, He has a plan, and His timing WILL be the best for each of us. Be well today. Be safe in all that you do. Be blessed in all that you put your hands to today.


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