Break The Will Not The Spirit

Have you ever seen a wild animal ‘tamed’? Or maybe see one in their natural habitat that is being captured and then domesticated?  This is how we need to see and treat our thoughts and actions.

Scripture) 2 Corinthians 10:5
(NASB) We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
(TPT) We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.
Thought) Ok, so “speculations” and “fantasies” are things people DO not they, the person themselves. It is the actions and thoughts that are to be broken down and challenged, debated, demolished. It is NOT the person themselves. Like, breaking the will but not the spirit of a person. Changing the behavior and attitude to line up with and match Christ. LOL We will never be perfect here on earth, but we can constantly take each of these actions “captive” and make them obey to the will of God via the Holy Spirit. It is all of the thoughts that we have on a daily basis that go against God, against even “knowing” God. Being too busy, getting distracted, running from, and plain ‘ol defiance/rebellion against what we know deep in our inner being as being wrong and against God.
Application) “take each thought captive” “like a prisoner of war” we are to “capture” which means not let it run amuck and wild without direction, each thought. Well, how do I know when my “thoughts” are running away? For me, it is when other parts of my body start to react and respond to what my head is thinking. Uneasy, anxious, depressed, worried, fearful, lazy, negative self-talk, cursing, clenching of fists or other body parts, eye twitching, teeth gritting, jaw clenching, scowling, muscles tightening up… all the things that are not connected to peace, joy, relaxing… How do we “capture” these thoughts? Well, first of all by stopping and taking in a deep breath and praying for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct in what needs to be done. Just by asking for His help, that brings all of the swirling chaos to a dull hum. By spending time with Jesus in God’s word is the only way to know, understand, and be able to DO things like Jesus would do. Repeat or read the positive things that the bible tells us to do. Post them all around, make notes, carry index cards… anything to be able to access them quickly. Sometimes a physical thing will trigger a memory thing. Then the scriptures we have memorized will come to mind and be our comfort. THIS will help bring it all into obedience.
Response)  Oh Papa, how quickly I seem to get caught in the crazy cycle of my thoughts and worries. I then seem to freeze and get stuck, not able to move, think, or do anything. This is not how You designed me to be! I ask for Your forgiveness for not turning to You quicker, faster, or actually – consistently. I keep trying to “solve” things on my own in my own ways. Will You for give me? (Yes, My child, you are forgiven.) Thank You. Father, I ask that You grant to me the ability to quickly notice when my thoughts need to be taken captive. I ask that You then allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me into the way and with the ability to bridal my thoughts and make them submit to Truth. To Your will and ways that You have for me. Daddy – make me more like Jesus in ALL areas of my life. With everyone around me. Oh! Ok, lol I hear You – with ‘myself’ too. Your grace and mercy are a gift, help me to accept them for myself too.
     After watching that movie about wild mustangs, and how it takes time, patience, consistency, and love to calm a horse. They broke the “will” to rebel and be crazy, but they did it with dignity, patience, discipline. Not with whips and chains, but with nudging and prodding with a stick and their words and body language. To make them be obedient to the one in control. The one in the center. What a picture I keep seeing in my mind of how we/I am to take control of my thoughts. With guidance, direction, steadiness and gentleness. Not being so hard on myself when I do mess up – but not allowing myself to wallow in it, and get right back on track again. Consistency. Persistence. “Rinse and Repeat” lol Papa, You always bring things to light in just the perfect way for me to understand and remember! Thank You. I pray that all of these requests are according to Your will. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.


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