No Need To Fear
03.16.20 Teatime With Jesus – No Need
To Fear
Joshua 1:9
“This is my command—be strong and
courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
“Haven’t I commanded you? Strength!
Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
How perfect is this verse from our Lord?!?! With all that is going on in our
world today, this just seems to put it all back into perspective.
Hubby and I have been gone on a cruise for the last week. When we left America,
there was a “little” panic of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). People were having a
mob mentality and panicking. Little did we know, while we were on board, out to
sea, away from any cell service – the world went mad with panic! Closing international
travel, people stripping stores of toilet paper and other dry goods, schools
closing, offices closing… It is like the word of a “pandemic” is spreading by
PANIC. It is a bit chaotic! Stores that are normally open 24 hours, are closing
at 9 or 10 pm. Restaurants are closing altogether. Cruise lines are shutting
down and or being denied pulling into ports. Local churches are closing their
doors. It is causing a world-wide financial crisis.
as I get up, make my tea, and sit down with Jesus. He opened up this verse to
me. A reassurance. Comfort. Promise. He promises that we do not have to fear
this or any other crazy world-wide thing that may happen! He promises that He,
the One and Only God Almighty, IS WITH US!
I believe this verse is normally talking about sharing the Good News of Jesus
to others, but today – this FITS for today! We do NOT need to be afraid of the
unknown, because He already knows it! He is going to be with us in and through
whatever this “bug” does.
we need to do our part to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. The one
thing I learned on the cruise, that EVERYONE followed: wash your hands, OFTEN!
Use hand sanitizer, OFTEN! Drink plenty of water, sleep well, and we WILL
recover from anything that is going around. The other thing is, there was no
real “processed foods” on the ship. Everything was cooked fresh. Not a lot of “sugar”
things either. Unless you count the fruity cocktails they offered LOL.
Just like our physical body, we need to foster the good health of
our spiritual body as well. The day we are born, we are on the path to death.
We are going to “go home” at some point. Yes, we need to be packed and ready
for this “trip”, but we don’t need to be in a rush to be overly concerned of
the ‘little things’ (even though they seem BIG to us) here that are happening.
Spend time EVERY day in some way with Jesus: reading His word, or listening to
it; praying for your self and for others; joining in with other believers;
singing praise songs that worship Him and our relationship with Him… these
things WILL keep us sane in the crazy chaos that happens around us ;-)
I am praying for you today. That you will take care of your body
by cutting back on sugar and processed foods. (viruses feed on and grow on
sugar) I am praying that in the middle of this weirdness, you can find time to
spend with Jesus. Share your fears and concerns with Him, then listen for His
voice to answer you with His wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, mercy and
grace. His love is like NO other love we have ever experienced or will ever experience
here on earth. I am praying for your heart to calm down and your nerves to
slow, while we still take care of ourselves and others during this odd time in
history. Be well my friend. Be safe. And mostly, BE BLESSED! <3