Bending Heaven's Ear

Psalms‬ ‭5:1-3‬ ‭NLT "O Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but You. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly."

The MEF (minds eye flash) I see, is a small child with their Daddy. Walking, talking. They stop, and the Daddy bends down. The child is talking & sharing all sorts of things. Then, the Daddy glances up at something in the distance, and the child takes the Daddy's face in both hands, turns his face back to be looking eye to eye, and then proceeds to share more with the Daddy. The child not only feels free to share everything, but feels safe & secure in the fact that their Daddy WILL take care of it all! The child's request of something to do, is met with tenderness & compassion from the Daddy. Now, as they walk again, the child has an excited expectation, that the Daddy WILL take care of their requests.

When you have things on your heart, and you lift them up to God, He IS your Father who will bend down, and give you His FULL attention! He not only pays attention to your requests, but your concerns, fears, worries, your joys, excitement, even your groanings. He is NEVER too busy, and NEVER puts you off until a more convenient time, EVER!!
     The very last word got me today: "expectantly". We are to pray daily to Him, with expectation. Meaning, we KNOW He hears us and our prayers... but also, like a child, with faith that He will provide for our requests. We CAN expect Him to be our defender, enforcer, giver, accept-er... Why? Because His words tells us He is! He alone is worthy of our love & affection. He alone is the one we can always turn to in time of need & want as well as in time of rejoicing & gladness! What a mighty King we serve! What a MIGHTY Daddy we have!! I'm praying for you today. That you give God some of your time, and share your heart with Him this morning, this day. He's bending down, listening intently to ALL you share with Him!


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