How Do I Live Longer?

Proverbs ‭19:2-3, 8, 11, 16, 20‬ ‭NLT
Verses 2-3 "Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes. People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord."
Verse 8 "To acquire wisdom is to love yourself; people who cherish understanding will prosper."
Verse 11 "Sensible people control their temper; they earn respect by overlooking wrongs."
Verse 16 "Keep the commandments and keep your life; despising them leads to death."
Verse 20 "Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life."

You might ask, "How do I live longer?" Well in Chapter 19 alone, there are TONS of verses that explain just what to do - these ones jumped out to me today. The theme of this chapter, the whole book of Proverbs really, and the whole bible - is to gain wisdom. Listen to the Lord, and follow His ways. Then, you gain wisdom which has TONS of benefits!!

Yes, we all will still struggle and have days that seem to try and test us to our very core - but when we have 'wisdom', there is just a different way of handling and processing our days. Circumstances WILL change! Day by day sometimes! But it is our faith, our belief and trust in God that needs to be unshakable, unwavering, and firm in our very heart and soul. When we believe and trust in God's power, wisdom, control, love, mercy, and that He above all, is righteous - then we can endure all sorts of things!

I have, more times than I'd like to admit, fallen for the trap in verses 2-3! I enthusiastically run head first in to something, and hastily make a decision - and it totally ends up causing me to make mistakes!! Oh how I have ruined my life (in the past) by my own foolishness!! Thankfully, I didn't get mad at God for my choices, but I have seen WAY too many others do this! It strikes me funny, sad really, that people do and say things (of their own choices) and KNOW they are doing or choosing wrong - yet do it anyway. Like an addict. Craving and chasing the 'sin' that traps them in chains. We naturally choose to be drawn to the 'foolish' ways of things. However, when we gain wisdom, and use restraint, we are actually victorious over these habits that lead to ruin!

Loving yourself. Ouch! I didn't do this for SO long, and unfortunately, I gave a poor example to our children, of how God really intends for us to live and prosper. Loving yourself, means taking good care of yourself. Respecting yourself as you would any other person around you.
     MEF (minds eye flash) just happened. Walking into a gathering like the Oscars, everyone dressed really nice. Everyone is respectful to each other. Then WHAM! It's like being on stage and seeing everyone in their underwear: except, it is each persons inner-self-respect that starts to be their clothes. I can see from the outside, what they are REALLY like on the inside! Some shine brightly and radiate an inviting warmth. Others, are surrounded by a fog with a chill that pushes others away. Then there are some, that are like a multi-colored rainbow, and they have a lightness about them that is fresh and invigorating. There are some, shrouded in darkness, bound up with all sorts of 'words' like tape and chains all around their body. Then, there are a few, who seem to have a flood surrounding them, and they are just barley treading the stormy waters. WOW! There are several people, who are able to walk tall, chin up, free and flowy, with a light that just shines before each and every step. Happiness, joy, peace, love, kindness - all come from deep within them out towards others. This MEF is like a mirror, a reflection following each person - showing who they really are on the inside, towards them selves as well as towards others. WOW!

     Ok, this makes my original thoughts even stronger. When we get to know ourselves, and see, REALLY SEE ourselves as God sees us - then we truly gain wisdom. This wisdom spills over into ALL areas of our life, and towards others as well!! God is SO good!!! Verse 20 sums it all up - "Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life." Today I am praying for God to reveal His view of YOU, and that you will accept His love and the freedom to "get wise" and respect yourself as well as others. Be well, be safe. I'm loving you through Jesus, now love yourself that way too! :-)

Side Note: See the 2nd picture below. Here are just a few ways that God sees you, yes YOU!! Each and every one of these, are how He sees you and loves you!!


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