The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭NLT "Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends."

None of us are perfect! Most likely, all of us have 'offended' or have been at 'fault' towards someone else, at one time or another. Have you ever noticed, the times you have been hurt but have forgive the person, you actually seem to be closer in your relationship? Kind of like we are when we mess up, and then go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness! We draw closer to Him, and He to us! It's amazing how a bond can actually grow after a fault is forgiven.
     However, not forgiving - well, that causes a whole different set of problems! Not only within ourselves, but with the relationship too. Yes, this happens with us and God too. When we mess up, and don't go to Him and ask for forgiveness, and don't try to "make it better", then we have a separation that starts to build. A wall of sorts. One brick at a time. THEN, if something doesn't quite go as we hoped or planned, and we question God (which is perfectly ok to do by the way), if we start to resent His answer, or even if we are still waiting... the wall just gets higher and higher. Before too long, we are now NOT spending time in prayer, not reading His word, not going to church, not hanging around other believers that can help encourage us and pray for us. Before we know it - the once "close relationship" we had as friends - is far apart.

Dwelling on something from our past, that cannot be changed now - is not doing us any good! It is actually doing us harm. It is also, right exactly where the enemy, the devil, wants us to be! Either mad and separated from God, or mad at and separated from our friends and family. Either way, it is isolation - and that is NOT how God designed us to live!!

I have experienced this 'separation' both between me and God as well as between me and friends/family. It's not fun! On either end. But today, it made me realize, just how God must feel when we do this with Him. He WANTS to spoil us and shower us with His blessings!! He WANTS the best for us in all areas of our life!! Yet, we choose to put more bricks up, and hide behind the wall, and therefore, miss out on what He has planned for us.

If you are living with the hurt and pain from someone hurting you, causing a fault, putting up bricks (you or them) - then ask Jesus to guide you and help you to take down that wall. It MIGHT be a simple misunderstanding, that the other person doesn't even know they did! OR, if it was intentional, and they DO know what they did - you don't have to carry around that hurt, pain, resentment, and fear - you can let Jesus fight your battle, and bring you peace and joy. Yes, sometimes, the walls are up to high and too strong, but like in the bible, He can bring it all tumbling down with just one breath! If His will is to do so - He will! When we forgive, it doesn't mean we necessarily forget, but it does mean, we no longer are "keeping score" and have let it go. Believe me, it is not always easy! And sometimes, the hurt, pain, suffering, and resentment goes WAY back and is WAY deep - but Jesus can help you to find peace in the relationship again! Jesus, after all, is our ultimate friend! He NEVER holds a grudge! He is NEVER unwilling to hear from you, spend time with you, and help you! He WILL always forgive and love us unconditionally, without any separation!!

Today, if you are the one that has done a fault, willingly or unknowingly - and you sense there is a separation between you and someone else - then it is up to you to show grace and mercy, love and kindness, and give forgiveness. It is NOT impossible. It is strange for us, but it is doable. Before you jump head-first and try to stir the pot, stop - pray - ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to do or say. When and how to approach them. Mending this inside your heart as well as outwardly - will bring SO much healing!!
     Now, if the person is not around, or cannot be spoken to, but you feel they have faulted you and you are holding on to resentment and bitterness - let me tell you this: YOU are only harming yourself! Inside, you are causing sickness and problems, that are from the seed of bitterness, that digs deep down and causes roots that will be very hard to break down! But they can! You can be well! You can have joy, and peace again! Maybe it will be by writing a letter, or a poem, or just keeping a journal of the process. Perhaps, an audio recording or a video,,,, God will work with you, where you are, and within your strengths and abilities. Don't be afraid. Don't keep building that wall. Don't let the enemy keep these chains on you! Do let God help you to be free! Do trust Him and follow His directions. Do pay attention, and absorb this journey and the process. Accept this gift from God to you - to have forgiveness! I'll be praying for you!


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