The Only Way To Stand, Is First To Kneel

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭22:19, 27-28‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Verse 19: O Lord, do not stay far away! You are my strength; come quickly to my aid!
Verses 27-28: The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to Him. All the families of the nations will bow down before Him. For royal power belongs to the Lord. He rules all the nations.

I'm not sure I ever noticed before, just how much this chapter in the Psalms, is like the end of days for Jesus! From the mocking, dividing of His garments, to the death. Pretty amazing.

Verse 19, is a promise we too can claim, when we are in need. Knowing that God is our strength, and that Him and Him alone is the One who can and will save us - is a HUGE comfort to me! This verse is a prayer that we can pray back to God at any time!

Verses 27 & 28 give me hope of our future. That here, in our times, people WILL realize that God is the ruler of everything. Everyone will return to Him, like the children we are. That everyone will bow before Him, at some point or another.... we do NOT have to try and be the judge or the one who decides people's future. It is God who is in control of it all. He is the one with the 'royal power' who rules all of the world with wisdom beyond our understanding. We can only find strength and wisdom when we start our day, bowing down before Jesus, and asking the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us! If we REALLY want to be able to "stand" in our day, we must first get on our knees and ask for His power to do so. Some of us have bad knees, and cannot get on the ground, but we CAN bend down on a chair, or lay on the bed... bowing in your heart is more than the outside, physical part.

Today, I pray that you are encouraged by the Holy Spirit, and trust that Jesus IS your strength! That through Him, you will see Him as the One who is ruling over all things around you. May you find strength in today from Jesus giving you aid in ways that can only come from Him. Before you get too far in to your day, lets all go through the ABC's and praise Him for something that starts with each letter. He is SO much more than just 26 things - but it is a wonderful way to start the day, praising Him and giving Him honor and glory that He is due. Remember, put on the Full Armor of God, which will guide, shield, and protect you today as well. Today, I am praying that you KNOW you are loved, and deeply sought after by Him. I have a love for you through Christ as well - I'm praying you are filled with comfort in what ever comes your way today. Be well, be safe :-)


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