The Power of Deep Roots

Colossians 2:6-7 “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
     Wow!! The visual with this! The view of a massive, majestic tree on good, firm ground. A flash from an aerial view, then a deep view under the soil. Like watching a tree grow on 'fast motion' - yet just a journey of following it grow. This tree, is just as massive under the ground, as it is above! The big & little roots going every which way, weaving in and out of the ground with perfect precision, focused on heading to moisture/water. The water is 'Life' its Jesus. The tree has roots that seek out and hang on to every little bit it finds! This intricate beauty, is a firm & strong foundation. It's reach, is farther wide & much deeper, than the beauty built on top of the ground! The 'tree' on top, has branches that reach up, in a posture of praise to God! The branches are like our faith, in all stages. Some new and budding with excitement. Others, longer, a bit bigger, & strong. A few, discolored & losing its strength. There are a few branches, that have broken, they are discolored, withering - these are still 'hanging on' but may get pruned. Some branches have green leaves sprouting forth. Then, there are branches that are big, firm, strong - creating the width & height of the tree. These are the strong & unshakable branches of faith. Yet, the whole tree, bends & sways with what the day brings. Soft gentle breeze or hurling strong winds. Slight mist of the morning dew or the driving force of powerful pelting of rain! The tree & all its glory, overflows with color, blossoms, & fruit!! These are bits of truth we get as we grow. All reaching up & praising God. The tree, its roots & branches, is our 'overflowing thankfulness' in an example we can totally imagine & understand.
     Today, try and thank Jesus for His bringing faith & hope & truth in to your life. If you dare, try and praise Him more than the amount of leaves on a tree! Remember 'Who' your roots are, and that He is holding you up! Let us overflow with thankfulness today! Remember the ABC's - use them to lift up praises to God...Lord God, I am thankful for the ABILITY You give me each day, to do the things I need to do. Father, I thank You for waking me up and giving me BREATH again today. Thank You Lord for COOLNESS of the morning dew. You keep going, on through the alphabet. Praise God for something with each letter. It's ok to be creative too, with the tricky letters LOL
    The thing about lifting praises up to God - they increase our roots of faith in Him. The more we do it, the bigger and stronger our faith gets!


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