Women Have More Power Than They Think
Proverbs 14:1, 9, 17, 23, 26, 29, 30
Verse 1: A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
Verse 9: Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.
Verse 1: A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
Verse 9: Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.
Verse 17: Short-tempered people do foolish things, and schemers are hated.
Verse 23: Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!
Verse 26: Those who fear the Lord are secure; He will be a refuge for their children.
Verse 29: People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.
Verse 30: A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.
Did you know that a woman has the ability to "build her home" in such a way, that there is either peace and harmony, or chaos and destruction? That's right. A woman is the one that actually sets the tone in the home. From the moment she gets up in the morning, it is HER attitude that sets the pace in the home or the day.
So how do we be this "wise woman" here in these verses? How can we 'build up' our homes instead of tearing them down? By following all of these other verses :-)
1. As soon as we realize we are guilty of something before the Lord, we need to quickly confess it, and seek His will and way to correct it. No, this is NOT always easy to do or to admit, especially, when it is a child that points it out. When we as women, make the first step to reconcile a situation, this does NOT mean we are weak, or we are being walked all over. Instead, it actually shows great strength, wisdom, and humbleness. Qualities we all need in our daily lives.
Now, I'm not talking about being mousy, or constantly saying, "I'm sorry" even for little things. THAT gets annoying to those who hear it all the time. If it is something that you should not take responsibility for, then you shouldn't say you are sorry. Example: someone comes to your home, and you have a jacket on the sofa. They go to sit down, and the first words out of your mouth are, "I'm sorry" as you quickly pick up the jacket to put it away. OR Someone comes to your work, and the door closes hard behind them, and they make a comment as they come to your desk, you say "I'm sorry" as if it is something you can control or have charge over - STOP IT!! Things you can NOT control, you are NOT to say 'sorry' for!!
2. As a woman, we need to control our temper. It is HARD, but possible. Controlling the tongue is like controlling a wild horse with a bit in it's mouth. Shoot, getting the bit in there in the first place is a challenge! LOL However, the tongue is OUR own responsibility, not for someone else. The tongue is also what sets the temperature in a home. When we have a 'short temper' it almost always leads to us reacting in such a way, that we end up doing something foolish! The adrenaline gets pumped up, and we are actually 'out of our minds' in that moment, and do and say things that we WILL regret! Again, by us taking control of this part of our body and our character, we set the mood in our homes. Anger is like a wild fire - it blows, circles around, and runs in SO many unexpected ways! We as women, may not have the power to do this on our own, and that is ok! There are other women who have been in our shoes, with experience that they can share with us of what worked for them. It's ok to also seek out counseling if necessary. Take an anger management class. However, if people 'walk on egg shells' around you - you MUST get help, NOW!!
3. Working for the good of the home/family. We as women hold a very special place in our homes and families. We can do "work" that is either outside of the home or inside the home, that actually lifts up and is a blessing to those we are with. The opposite is true too. We can be fat, dumb, and lazy (by choice) and it affects everyone around us too. We are children of God! He has designed us with gifts and talents that are for the good of the home and family. So "work" can be as simple as keeping the laundry up. If you have enough clothes, that you do not have to do laundry but once a month - then you have too many clothes!! If your laundry is sitting around in piles or baskets, and there is more than one - you have too many clothes!! If you re-wash clothes, because you are not sure if they are clean or dirty, you have too many clothes!! You know, it is NOT a sin to bless others with what you do not use any more - I say purge those baskets and piles! Purge the drawers and closets. You can only wear one outfit at a time anyway, and there are only 7 days in the week. Here is a test: if you had to leave your home for a week, and could only pack 1 box or 1 suitcase, what clothes would you pack in there? Those are the clothes you keep. Torn, stained, too small, too big.... give them to people and places that will be able to use them! Free yourself and your home from 'too much stuff'.
4. This should be Number One - but I'm following the verses in this chapter that I listed above ;-) First and foremost, we need to have a relationship with God!! He has paid for ALL of our sins: past, present and future through Jesus, and His death on the cross. Then, by fulfilling TONS of scriptures, Jesus rose again on the 3rd day, which was a WIN in the battle over death! When we as women, have a faith in Jesus, praying to Him daily, constantly, and we learn the ways of how to be a women, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter....we are then showing our children what it is like to have a relationship with Jesus. We are the example that they follow. When we 'show them by example' that WE take refuge in Jesus and His power, they too will do the same thing. When we show them that trust and faith in Him, actually leads to His many promises - then, they have something far greater and better than anything the world offers them! They learn to 'take refuge' in Him in all sorts of situations and circumstances in their life too!
5. Anger again. Hot temper to be exact. When we get understanding from the bible, bible studies, small groups, life groups, women's groups, blogs, Facebook groups, friends and family... we then add "tools" to our Tool Shed of Life. These tools help us in ALL things that we do and go through on a daily basis. However, if we just have a 'shed' and nothing in it, what good is that to us?!?! We as women, MUST gather "tools" from scriptures, that help us in life. Help us control our anger, or hot tempers, control our laziness, our fears, our depression... the Holy Spirit is standing wiling and ready to help us fill our Tool Shed, we just have to ask! Like a recipe for a meal or for a wonderful dessert - we have to follow the steps in order to get the desired outcome. Same too with us and our daily living life! Write them down as you come across them. Post them on walls, mirrors, or doors. Put them on index cards or in a little note book. Carry that with you at all times, and you can go to it anytime you need reassurance.
6. "A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones." WOW!! This one is right there as #2 actually, right after having salvation by mercy and grace from Jesus. I KNOW this from experience. I have had people in my life, in my family, that have been jealous over things. Deep rooted things. These feelings of jealousy ALWAYS lead to ailments, issues, and even sicknesses. Yes, in a couple, even cancer. Bitterness, is actually something that starts with a root in jealousy. Even if it seems like it starts due to how we have been treated by someone. If you think about it - it really started with jealousy of how we "feel" or "perceive" how they actually should have treated us. And that comes by comparison of what we think we see in someone else's life. It comes from a place of NOT being peaceful in our own heart.
If there is one thing I've learned over these last 8 months, since I have been taking care of my body and getting healthy - it is this: being at peace with what is going on is HUGE in keeping me healthy mentally and physically. They go hand-in-hand actually. When we are unhappy, as women, what do we 'normally' run to? Food? Alcohol? Drugs? The tv? Sex? Sleep? A book? OCD? Gosh, the list can go on and on! ALL of these things do NOT feed your soul with good stuff! ALL of these things actually suck us in, and bring us even lower and lower.
Ok - here. Say you are depressed, maybe even sad or angry. If you stay in your home or your room all alone, what happens? It normally gets worse! Right?! However, if we get up, get out of our house, go someplace 'public' like a park, the mall, an amusement place... the energy of other people laughing, playing, smiling CATCHES ON!!! Yes! It does! The enemy wants us to stay in our little prison of doom and gloom, self pity, depression, anger, jealousy... but God designed us to NOT be alone! To 'want' to be with and around others. Not to shine a light on us and all that we "think" we have wrong with us, but to shine the light up to Him and all that He has FOR us! When we are content, that equals peacefulness in our very heart and soul. It then allows our body, mind, soul, and spirit to heal and get well. We cannot do that if we are constantly hanging on to anger, jealousy, bitterness... we can't have TWO thoughts and emotions at the same time. Our brain is not made that way.
Today, I am praying, that you seek and know God first and foremost! That you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That you understand, believe, and KNOW that the Holy Spirit is living and alive IN you, and that ALL of the power of Jesus, is IN the Holy Spirit, which is IN you!! His power and His alone, is what can make you a woman (or a man) who has a home built on wisdom. A strong foundation that will remain strong and steady in all sorts of storms, situations, and circumstances. I am praying that you seek Him for forgiveness for anything you are carrying around that causes guilt, shame, remorse, fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger.... Let go of the burden of the heavy load, that you are NOT supposed to be trying to carry all by yourself! I pray, that you find strength today, in the promises of God! That you find freedom from the chains of anger, jealousy, lack of self-control... you WILL be able to find joy and peace - but only when you seek Him first. One step at a time. One day at a time. You are dearly loved today and every day - KNOW that, cling to that, believe that, trust that!! Understand and know, that as a woman, you have a LOT of power as to how your home and family will be today. All set in motion by YOUR actions, feelings, attitude, words and heart. <3