God's Desire For Us Today

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭128:5-6‬ “May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you live to see your children’s children— peace be on Israel."

     This is my pray for YOU today! We as daughters of the King, we are "Israel" and this prayer is for us! Yes, we are to pray for ourselves too, and this is a good one. To be blessed from Zion is like being blessed from the very lips of God! To see/have the prosperity of Jerusalem, is to have it from the place where you see someone that is joyful, content, and at peace in all they have and do. Riches are more than just money. To have joy, kindness, peace, love.... all around - THAT is someone that is prospering! Then, of course, to live to see your children's children is to live a long life. As well as to be able to share in the lives of your children and grandchildren. To have these gifts from God, will cause us to be at peace. With others and ourselves. Be blessed today in all that you do. I want you to know that I am praying ALL of thee parts of these verses to/for/over you!

     Today, I pray that you can "feel" as though you are in a calm, peaceful place. Walking in the coolness of the day. The sun shining down on you as if it is the very breath of God! Not only the warmth of His love, but the fullness of His forgiveness and mercy surrounding you like the dew of the morning. May this "place" be your place of refuge, peace, comfort, joy and love. May you feel fresh, new, revived and free! May the MANY blessings of prosperity pour out on you in abundance, in ALL of the ways that YOU see prosperity: emotionally, physically, financially... whatever that is to you, I pray that you see it today. May you deepen your relationship with Jesus, be filled with peace, and accept His gifts and blessings!


Unknown said…
Thank you so much for prayer...im in awe of the power God sends to us through messages even on Social media...in his love Debbie
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for prayer...im in awe of the power God sends to us through messages even on Social media...in his love Debbie
Awwww - Debbie - It really is amazing how God moves in today's world, right?!?! I mean with technology and all - it is pretty neat!

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