How To Do Good Even When It's Hard
1 Timothy 5:10 “She must be well respected by everyone because of the good she has done. Has she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers and served other believers humbly? Has she helped those who are in trouble? Has she always been ready to do good?"
This part is actually talking about widows. Older women actually. What hit me: no matter what our age is, we NEED to be THIS woman! Young or old! Now, I know, when we 'do good' we are not to brag on ourselves... however, when we do good, there ARE others around watching. That's when we are respected. To me, we all, need to do what we can to put our kids on the path of providing for themselves and being independent and a productive part of society. Making sure they have manners, are respectful of people and property, and can follow directions. THAT is raising our children well. Serving with kindness to others - of course that could be a ministry, but it should be our everyday self too - we see a 'need' and we do what we can within our means. Helping others in trouble, can be as simple as a bit of gas in their car, a gift card of food, a helping hand with children or when someone has too many things in their arms - but it could also be for people in trouble in a bigger way. Drugs, sex trafficking, prostitution, people in situations that the Lord wants them out of. The last part is the KEY: always be ready to do good! Yes, some of us always seem to get the short end of the stick, but we can still be 'ready' to do good, instead of responding in our Old Nature with sarcasm or anger or disobedience. Doing good, starts with being ready. Being ready starts with an open heart and mind. Openness starts with spending time in a relationship with Jesus. Not one-sided, but both sides: talking and listening. Listening, comes by reading and hearing the Word of God. Yes, by reading your bible, but also by listening to praise music, sermons, or even the bible on CD - just having Go's voice speaking to you at all times, in all that you do - that will help us get in tune to His will and ways - which then allows us to do good to and for others! It is NOT our job to spotlight ourselves. It is just our job, to do what is right.
Today, no matter how your day or even your week has gone, you are here! Alive! Go thru the ABC's thanking God for things from this week. When you have a thankful heart and attitude, you are more likely to be ready to do good for others. Be blessed today!
This part is actually talking about widows. Older women actually. What hit me: no matter what our age is, we NEED to be THIS woman! Young or old! Now, I know, when we 'do good' we are not to brag on ourselves... however, when we do good, there ARE others around watching. That's when we are respected. To me, we all, need to do what we can to put our kids on the path of providing for themselves and being independent and a productive part of society. Making sure they have manners, are respectful of people and property, and can follow directions. THAT is raising our children well. Serving with kindness to others - of course that could be a ministry, but it should be our everyday self too - we see a 'need' and we do what we can within our means. Helping others in trouble, can be as simple as a bit of gas in their car, a gift card of food, a helping hand with children or when someone has too many things in their arms - but it could also be for people in trouble in a bigger way. Drugs, sex trafficking, prostitution, people in situations that the Lord wants them out of. The last part is the KEY: always be ready to do good! Yes, some of us always seem to get the short end of the stick, but we can still be 'ready' to do good, instead of responding in our Old Nature with sarcasm or anger or disobedience. Doing good, starts with being ready. Being ready starts with an open heart and mind. Openness starts with spending time in a relationship with Jesus. Not one-sided, but both sides: talking and listening. Listening, comes by reading and hearing the Word of God. Yes, by reading your bible, but also by listening to praise music, sermons, or even the bible on CD - just having Go's voice speaking to you at all times, in all that you do - that will help us get in tune to His will and ways - which then allows us to do good to and for others! It is NOT our job to spotlight ourselves. It is just our job, to do what is right.
Today, no matter how your day or even your week has gone, you are here! Alive! Go thru the ABC's thanking God for things from this week. When you have a thankful heart and attitude, you are more likely to be ready to do good for others. Be blessed today!