Surviving Arguments - Giving Gifts

2 Timothy 2:23-26 "Again I say, don't get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil's trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants."

     Interesting, SO many times in the bible it warns us of things, over and over again. Getting involved in foolish arguments that lead to fights is one of them. LOL Oh how many times have I been "hooked" into having a conversation with someone that has lead to crazy, foolish talk and even some turning to arguments?!?! Way too many to count actually LOL I love how these verses tell us just how to act and behave: be kind to everyone (not just those we like), be able to teach (or in other words, lead by example), be patient with difficult people (some of us get more practice at this than others). Now that I think of it - some of us, actually have these challenges in our everyday life, right in our very homes! Oops! When we are gentle in our conversations and teachings, we can talk to others about God and the things of the Lord, and it NOT be like a sermon, preaching at them. Like us NOT raising our voices, but raising ourselves up to the argument with different words, truth. This is how we can actually improve our argument "for God". The BIGGEST hope in doing this.... that God will change their hearts and they will learn the truth. AND they will come to their senses and escape from the devil's trap, which they have been in chains for far too long!

     That is us too - we get caught up in silly conversations, and end up doing and saying things that we wish we hadn't. This can be corrected/fixed only when it comes from a daily "clean slate" with and before God. So, yes, there are some days where we have only one conversation like this, and if we are quick to recognize it, we can be quick to bring it to God and ask for forgiveness for our part in it. Then, there are other days, that seem to be one LOOOOOOONG ongoing conversation or argument with too many people to count. Yes, we can get worn out by such days - yet, God is a God of mercy! He is the mighty King and Lord of lords that CAN and WILL refill and refuel us with His truth! How? When we sit down on His lap and read out of the best bedtime story book ever. Haven't a clue where to start, or what to read in those moments? That is what a concordance is for - something about the day: pick a word, action, or situation, then look it up and see what verses in the bible pertain to that. Yes, sometimes we have to read several of the "references" before hitting the ones that pertain to what we are going through, thinking, feeling, or even doing. That's ok, it only takes ONE to hit just the right spot, and give us the strength and encouragement that we need to keep going and or even start over. Isn't God neat how He works that way?!?!

     Today, I pray that if you have been knocked out of your senses, that you will have courage to look up what God has for you. Understand this, that you CAN and WILL be challenged from time to time - but if we put on our Big Boy/Girl Pants - and treat others the way God has instructed us to - then they CAN and WILL have the same chance at salvation as us - now THAT is a GIFT!! Be well and be safe today. One step at a time, one bit of truth at a time, and we will ALL be able to be used by God to help others and give the best gifts ever. Remember, don't raise your voice, but raise your weapon of defense and improve your words: truth :-)


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