Who Is Your Neighbor

Psalm 12:2 Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts.

Not at all close to “Love thy neighbor as yourself” from scripture.

As shocking as verse 2 is, if we use the word ‘neighbor’ as I as taught = anyone outside of our home. Literally next-door, but also in the community, state, country, and even the world around us! Jesus and the disciples repeat this phrase or concept a LOT! Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39, Matthew 19:19, Galatians 5:14, James 2:8, Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27, Romans 13:9,
Romans 13:10 – “love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is fulfillment of the law.”

I confess, I’ve said something nice out loud, but in my head, thought something else – Yikes!! I guess, I never considered it as a “lie” – but that’s exactly what it is! I think the ‘harboring deception’ part is a bit out of my reality – but I totally get it! Saying something nice to someone’s face, but inside being jealous or wishing ‘they’ didn’t have whatever it is we are jealous over. To follow Jesus and to guide and direct others to Him, we need to be truthful and honest with each other. Not brutal, but loving – like Romans 13:10 “love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is fulfillment of the law.”

So, when we start to say something in our car (or in our head) while driving at/towards: other drivers, people walking, the homeless, different nationalities, construction workers…. OR while parking our car, walking around the block, shopping… we MUST train ourselves to PRAY for those that are different than us or that frustrate us! Not curse them! Pray for them, their day, the situation of that moment, whatever it is that the Lord puts in your mind and heart. I try to do this when someone is driving recklessly around me. I pray for them, those who come in contact with them, and whatever it is that lead to their angry driving. It feels pretty darn good, instead of getting my blood pressure up LOL

Today, let’s all remember that our “neighbor” is all around us. On the news around the world and in our neighborhood. When we change our attitude and prayers towards others, it is AMAZING how much “they” change ;-) I’m praying you are quick to recognize when you are being unkind to your “neighbors” and that you will quickly follow the nudging of the Holy Spirit, and pray for them. Be well today my friend. Be safe. Be blessed BIG time!


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