Where Do You Want To Belong

Sometimes "family" happens when we least expect it...

What’s your family like? Do you come from a big or small family? Are you the only one left in your family? Have you ever longed to be in another family? Do you KNOW that you ARE a part of a very large family – the family of God?

These verses jumped out at me today after Romans 8 took me on a journey to look up other verses saying the same thing lol Then, when the ‘understanding’ hit – I had the most amazing MEF (mind’s eye flash).

Romans 8:14-17 14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to son-ship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.

2 Corinthians 6:18  And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

John 1:12-13 12 Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Galatians 4:4-5 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to son-ship.

The MEF (mind’s eye flash) I had about slavery, being on the outside, alone – then adoption, freedom, joy…

I saw a slave being mistreated before being sold at the main market place. Hardly given anything to eat, abused, beaten, tossed here and there, told awful things that hurt the self-esteem, forced to do hard work… then a flash to the living quarters: damp, dark, hard, thin coverings, cold…

I can see and feel what the slave feels. The slave has been in a few places, mistreated horribly in all sorts of ways! The slave is now back at the slave auction once again. Standing on the block fully exposed, feeling ashamed, lonely, abandoned, worthless, yet, in the VERY FAR BACK of their mind – a little hopeful. They have heard and seen some slaves that actually look well cared for, happy, clean, they even appear ‘free’ when they are doing their slave duties.

Standing there on the block, feeling full of dreams that can only be thought of in the mind, NEVER shared out-loud, the bidding all of a sudden stops. No one is saying anything more. The man that has offered a price, is standing before the slave with an outreached hand, a clean robe, and a cup of water. Carefully with much fear and wonder, the slave reaches out and takes the man’s hand and steps down. The true sincerity in the new master’s eyes is like nothing the slave has ever experienced before since being a slave. Once, a very long time ago, that look used to come regularly by the slaves family. Shared love between all of their loved ones before they were captured and made into slaves.

Back at the new home, the slave is given tasks to do, that are actually within their strength and abilities. Once certain tasks are completed, the slave is actually thanked and praised for a job well done. Strange! The slave likes it, but at the same time fears it – wondering when the “drop” is going to happen, and all will come crashing down?!

The slave gets to witness the closeness and love in the family they are now serving. The conversations and activities that the family do together seem so strange to the slave. Almost as if they are speaking a foreign language, yet the slave knows all of the “words” they are saying, but for some reason, not actually the meaning – the meaning that the family seems to share anyway. The slave watches, listens, and even tries to mimic some of what the family does, yet the slave is still so far from included. Even though they are in the same house, it is as if they are on the outside looking in.

One day, the slave is doing a chore and drops and breaks something that is very special to this family. The first reaction of the slave is to cower and hide for the beating that is about to come! Panic stricken, bloody with cuts, the slave looks for the wrath that is “normal” to come… but, the Master doesn’t yell and holler. The family and other slaves in the house all come rushing towards the slave. Expecting everyone to join in as the master comes at the slave and throws them against the wall or floor and starts to curse and beat them. The master and his family don’t gather around throwing insults and items at the slave in anger. No, nothing like what the slave is used to happens! Right before the very eyes of the slave, the strangest thing ever happens! The whole household gathers to HELP pick up and clean up the mess that the slave caused. Yes, you can see the feelings of loss at this precious item that was broken – but no one is being harsh! Instead, they are all saying positive things, claiming that their God will provide and that thankfully the slave was not badly hurt. THEN something beyond the slaves wildest imagination, the head of the house comes to the side of the slave and carefully offers assistance to make sure the slave is ok and NOT badly hurt. The slave has been crying, tears rushing down their face right when it happened, hands bleeding from the item shattering. The head of the house actually wipes away their tears, gently, tenderly, as if the slave were one of their own family members, he cleans and bandages the wounds.

This is all WAY too much for the slave emotionally! Coming from the experience of the other homes they have been a part of – this is SO different! The look in the eyes and the feel of the touch of the head of the house – is truly overwhelming! Then, the master offers the slave a soft place to sit, a fresh towel to clean the face, and a comforting touch while he explains the importance of the item that was broken.

The family and other slaves start to gather as the master speaks. It is as if they are drawn to the words of truth like a warm light. The slave sits there, in awe, looking, watching, trying to listen and understand. Then the biggest surprise happens that the slave would never ever imagined – the head of the house talks of taking the place of the slave, doing the work they would normally be doing, while they heal and rest. What?!?! The ‘gift’ that is offered has actually been brought up several times before, but the slave just didn’t understand what was being offered. With tear filled eyes, beating heart, and wishful thinking, the slave actually can’t believe it but trusts the master and accepts this help as well as the conversation. Pretty soon, through the talking and sharing as well as not only the master but the others in the family coming in and taking care of the slave, that the slave starts to feel different. Accepted, cared for, compassion, love…

Then a conversation like no other happened. The master came in and spoke with such love and compassion, soft yet in control, firm yet with joy and peace. He sat next to the slave and gently picked up both hands in his and began to share something that nearly made the slaves head spin. “I saw you before you saw me in the market place. I chose you on purpose. My intention is to set you free by adopting you into my family. I would like nothing more than to have you accept my offer of becoming my child, and an heir to all I have, to stay here as long as you would like, or to go wherever you choose. My love for you is pure, deep, and complete. Please, will you accept this gift?” What?!?! Slave blinked, turned and looked around the room to see if this was a joke, almost panic stricken. Slave wanted to pull their hands back and pull away, but something in the master’s eyes and tone of his voice just allowed slave to stay right there and melt in the thought of hope and dreams. Again the master spoke while looking straight into the very heart and soul of the slave, “I love you. I choose you. I know you and want you to be a part of my family. Will you accept this gift?” There was no force, no demand no bullying to make this decision and accept this free gift. In the middle of the self-imposed caution, there was actually peace. The slave couldn’t help but to be drawn in and desire to please the master! Yet, there was something more, something that seemed to keep the slave held back. There were voices in slaves head.

The voices in slaves head kept bringing up the past. Not only the actions, but the thoughts as well that the slave had thought over the years. Things that happened before when slave was ‘free’ and then while being a slave. The fear, caution, shame, guilt, worry all came flooding back to slave and they almost couldn’t keep eye contact with the master. Gently, the master seemed to know what was going on in the slaves thoughts and said, “My dear sweet child, your past is no longer any concern. If you accept this gift, you will be made new. Your past will be forgotten and cast away as far as the east is from the west. I will remember it no more. You will be my child, and an heir in my family, you will have all the rights that any blood born child of mine will have. You will share in everything I have. It is up to you. You have to make the decision yourself; no one can make it for you. You can accept it, or turn it down. Know this, that no matter your choice, you are still loved by me. You are still a part of this household and you will still stay and serve here. Your freedom comes in the accepting of the gift I offer. What do you say? Do you accept this gift I offer?”

The master just sat there, holding slaves hands. Lovingly looking deep into slaves very being. It seemed like time stood still. Slave WANTED to say yes, wanted this to all be true and not some crazy dream. Slave had thought of this over and over as they watched the members of this family go about their living. Slave thought to themselves, “Well, what could be worse than being a slave? How much could life change if I accepted this gift? Does the master REALLY mean it? What have I got to lose?”

“Master, I am unworthy of such an offer. I would like to be healed all the way, clean up, and then serve you more before you offer such a thing to me.” slave said to the master sitting there. Without skipping a beat, the master replied, “My dear, sweet, precious child. You being here in my house makes you worthy enough. You are enough just as you are. I love you just the way you are. I choose you – here – now. Nothing you could have ever done in the past will make me love you any less. I want you to be a part of my family. Will you accept this gift here and now just as you are?” Heart beating, hands shaking, mind racing, slave looked deep into the master eyes and felt a flood of emotions rush in! “I feel so unworthy, but I believe you. Yes, I trust you. (deep breath) Yes, I will accept this incredible gift you offer!” slave said to the master. The master instantly replied, “Done!!” with that command in his voice and a snap of his finger, the whole household came rushing in. They came from every direction of the house. Speaking great praises, joy and laughter filled the air. Then fine clothes were brought forth for slave to put on. The room was instantly transformed from a cold, empty place to one fit to be in a palace! (kind of like in the movie with Shirley Temple “The Little Princess”) Slave couldn’t believe what was being seen right before their very eyes. The inner being of warmth, joy, peace, and life!! It was overwhelming! Slave could not control the laughter and tears that flowed freely. The desire to get up and dance along with the others in the house was just so powerful! The joy and laughter mixed with the dancing and singing made the slave look up and cry out to the master, “Thank you father for giving me this joy!” The slave was actually stunned and surprised at the ease at which they were able to call the master their “father” – but it felt SO good, so natural, and oh so VERY real!

This is how God made Romans 8:14-18 come to life for me! How it all makes sense now! The Holy Spirit brings us to a place of being able to hear and understand what God is offering us: to be His child. To be bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus; then made clean and new by the adoption into Gods family! Pretty stinkin’ awesome!


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