The Purpose

What is the purpose of the bible? What is the purpose of laws? Do they tie us down or set us free?

1 Timothy 1:2b, 6, 8-11 (NLT & GNT)

2b NLT: May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.

6 NLT: The purpose of my instruction (the bible) is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.

8-11 GNT: We know that the law is good if it is used as it should be used. It must be remembered, of course, that laws ae made, not for good people, but for lawbreakers and criminals, for the godless and sinful, for those who are not religious or spiritual, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the immoral, for sexual perverts, for kidnappers, for those who lie and give false testimony or who do anything else contrary to sound doctrine. That teaching is found in the gospel that was entrusted to me to announce, the Good News from the glorious and blessed God.

As I read today, a few verses jumped out at me. Wow, if only we all started EVERY conversation with a greeting like verse 2b “May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.” From a true place in our hearts to bless someone! Wouldn’t that be nice?!?!

As I got to verse 6, it dawned on me that this is talking about the bible which we have now in our modern times. Back then, it was written down, but not as many people had the actual copies. So Paul had to share it everywhere he went and with those he trusted to “keep the faith”. I found it VERY interesting that the whole purpose of the bible is VERY simple. Short and to the point: “that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” To me, these are the simplest, purest things God could ask of any of us. Kind of like accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior – short, simple, to the point! Not any long list of rules, works to do, religious traditions to follow, or anything like that – but just the pure heart that clears his/her conscious with God daily (minute by minute at times lol) with a genuine faith in Jesus.

Now the law. I felt that the Good News Translation gave the best wording for these verses. Kind of like when Jesus explained on His visits, that He was not there for those who were “well” but for those that are “lost, sick, separated from God”. The laws are given to us for those that are rebellious and law-breakers. Yes, even law-benders. Both come from a place of rebellion, selfishness, godlessness, sin. It is like a boundary. For those that are willing to believe and trust in God and His ways, these boundaries are actually freeing and good. For those that cannot seem to follow them, they of course feel tie down, restricted, and uncomfortable. However, that is not God’s design for us at all!! He WANTS us to have a relationship with Him, freely coming to Him at any time with anything on our heart and mind – ANYTHING! He wants to fill us and give us grace, mercy and peace! He wants us to experience His true love, joy, peace, goodness, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I am praying for you and your family and friends today. I pray that you see that having a right relationship with God through His Son, Jesus, and guided by the Holy Spirit – you WILL have all of these things! I pray that He blesses you today with grace, mercy, and peace. I pray that you seek to follow His instructions and draw closer into an intimate relationship with Jesus. I pray that you see the “law” as freedom in the boundary of seeking His will. Be well, Be safe. Be blessed.


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