Who’s Driving You Today

Who’s “driving” your attitude today? What is the “right” attitude when praying? Do this at all times, in all situations, pray without ceasing…

1 Timothy 2:8-10 (MSG) Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray – not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the lasts fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.

I know I know, “how can I pray at all times in all things?!” is a question we ALL ask. The thing is, when we start to trust Jesus in ALL things, it makes it pretty easy to turn to Him in ALL situations and circumstances. Kind of like, when you have someone with you, right at your side – in the middle of something. If you are like me, even if you don’t mean to say something out loud, because there is a “person” there next to you, you DO say something out loud LOL Well, it is in those times, that we are to picture Jesus right there with us (yes, even if we are actually alone, He IS there with us).

Yes, people will frustrate us, make us angry even – however, it is clear that God wants us to turn to Him in ALL situations and circumstances. Not shaking our fists or throwing our curse words towards someone, but raising our hands up to Him and asking for His guidance, deliverance, words, actions… whatever is needed in that situation.

Is this easy? Well, not always – but with practice it becomes easier and easier. My prayer for you today is that the second you start to “react” to something, that you catch yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to help you “respond” to the situation. First of all, by lifting up your hands to God and asking Him to take control. Kind of like that Carrie Underwood song, Jesus Take The Wheel. You gotta let go, and allow Jesus to take the wheel in whatever it is that is going on. I pray that today, you are going to sit in the passenger seat of your life, and ask the Lord to sit behind the wheel and take you to the place He wants you to be. Then, while you are in there (in the 'car') all close and such, have a GREAT talk with Him! I’ve learned that the car is a pretty neat place to have some deep conversations, and get some pretty clear directions ;-)  If you don't have a car, you can do like we ALL did as kids, and sit on a chair and "imagine" yourself in a car. Put 2 chairs out. You sit on the passenger side, and talk to Jesus who IS on the drivers side. Be well, be safe, be blessed today!!


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