The Best Way To Filter Our Speech

Ever play the "see who can be the quietest the longest" game? I remember thinking that the person who held out the longest was SO smart! Like, how did they do it?!?!

Proverbs 21:23 Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.

Wow! How many times has my "not speak before you think" filter failed me?!?! And yes, MANY times, by my quick talking and not hearing out the whole situation - my hasty words have been wrong! (shaking head in sad remorse) Prejudged thoughts seem to always lead to wrong outcomes on my part. I'm learning to "stop" my thinking, even my actions, and LISTEN to the full situation and THEN speak.

It is not easy to back pedal, rewind, or delete our words! Much easier to "think before we speak" = guarding our mouth and tongue, and then have the choice/option to speak up or not. That is right, we have a choice to hold our tongue and guard the words that come out.

Another verse says, when we hold our tongue, we appear wise. Imagine that?!?! Just by staying quiet, holding our tongue, and not speaking up - we appear to others as wise! Today, lets guard our mouth and tongue - keep ourselves from jumping too fast and saying something we will regret. Better yet, like the verse says: "keep ourselves from calamity"! It is totally OK to zip our lips, and keep them that way! I'm praying you stay well, safe, and enjoy being blessed today!


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