Law vs. Mercy

Following the STAR method today as I read the book of John. 
S - Scripture read
T - Thoughts on what was read
A - Application - how can I apply what I read to me and my life today
R - Response - what is my response or prayer from what I read

S: John 1:17
NLT: For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.
MSG: We got the basics from Moses, and then this exuberant giving and receiving, this endless knowing and understanding—all this came through Jesus, the Messiah.
NASB: For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
TPT: Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus, the Anointed One, unveils truth wrapped in tender mercy.

T: Our basic instinct is “the law” and all that follows that. What to do, how to do it, when, where… Like being healthy. We seem to fall into the trap of different “rules/laws” with food, water, fitness… THEN when we mess up, have a setback, fall off the wagon – we beat ourselves up because of the “law”. The "law" is light a weight that pulls me/us down. Sometimes it is like a very uneven see-saw or balance-scale. Our chains of the law are broken because of and thru Jesus! His unfailing love, faithfulness, giving of understanding and knowledge, grace, truth all wrapped in tender mercy! His mercy CAN be soooooo much, and His forgiveness SO big, that it outweighs the heavy scale of the 'law' we beat ourselves up with!

A: When I start to beat myself up for a choice I’ve made, I need to look over and picture Jesus standing right beside me. He would hold my hand and tell me that He will be there for me and my NEXT choice. This choice is now in the past and cannot be changed. I can learn from it and move on. His love, compassion and understanding of the temptation that overcame me will encourage me to make a different choice next time.

R: Oh Papa! I ask in advance for Your Spirits help and guidance today as we have a Thanksgiving celebration at work. Help blind my eyes and desires to the things that are not good fuel for my body. Daddy, help me to share this way of thinking with others. That You are right here, now, with us and You want the best for us. Your Spirit will guide and direct, we only have to open our arms, hands, heart – our whole self (lol) – and let You in! Thank You Papa for showing me this simple yet SO profound truth today!


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