How To Have Blessings Bursting At The Seams
Psalm 135:3, 5-7 Vs 3: “Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to His name, for that is pleasant." Vs 5-7: "I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever pleases Him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from His storehouses." Wow! These verses are in living color here lately! We are to praise God in all of this strange weather too, it is pleasant to His ears. To think, the 'wind' is kept in a 'storehouse' - wow! I wonder if it is like a wild horse in a barn? Rattling the doors, waiting to burst forth as soon as the door breaks open?? Then with strength and might, when the door is opened, it bursts full force out in to the world! That has to be one BIG storehouse! I see His blessing on us, as something busting at the seams! He has SO much in store fo...