
Showing posts from June, 2018

This Sugar Is Good For You

Proverb 27:7 (GNT) When you are full, you will refuse honey, but when you are hungry, even bitter food tastes sweet. (MSG) When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse. Boy have I been there! I’ve been full from a meal, and nothing tastes good, and I can actually push stuff away. I have also been hungry, and even something normally yucky, tasted good! LOL Yes, it has felt like I could eat a horse at times too! What jumped out at me in this verse is our hunger for Jesus. Our craving and desire to get to know Him more and more. How BEFORE knowing Him, we kept pushing Him away. When we would hear someone “preaching” we would behave like we would at a meal where we were full – we would push them away. Close off our ears, and not listen. Maybe even get up and walk away. I remember feeling ‘full’ of hearing people talk about Jesus and such. I remember feeling like I had had enough, that I was ‘good’ and my parents believed in G...

Do You Need A Big Brother

Luke 2:7 NLT “She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.” Today, the word ‘firstborn’ hit me. So, I looked it up. A few ways/places. There are several verses that name 4 different brothers and other verses that say unnamed brothers and sisters. Matthew 13:55–56 state that James, Joses (or Joseph), Jude and Simon were the brothers of Jesus, the son of Mary. The same verses also mention unnamed sisters of Jesus. Janes, Jude and Simon are not to be confused with those who were disciples of Jesus by the same name. Here are some passages where the other sons of Mary by Joseph are mentioned (Matt. 12:46; 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; 7:3, 5, 10; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19). THEN it struck me, how Jesus died for us, in place of us. The church (as a body) now represents Him. And how we are ALL called brothers and sisters of Christ. Then I remembered John 1:12 “But to all who...

Kindness Breaks Chains

Proverbs 22:7 " Poor people are slaves of the rich. Borrow money and you are the lender's slave." This hits home for me today, due to some work we are having done on our driveway. The word ‘poor/rich’ doesn’t necessarily fit – but the concept does. The ‘borrow money’ part is what hit me. For this job to be done, he asked for a deposit for the work and cement. Of course, that seems reasonable, right?! Especially when it is a person or family trying to work to make life better for themselves. Well, what strikes me, is that that means they are in a way “borrowing” from us for the job. They should be on a timeline, and have different parts of the job done at certain times. Well, when they run behind, we as the “lender” can start to become frustrated, and seem like we are trying to boss them around or be a slave-master of sorts. I think anyone that has a home-based business, that requires money up front, is at risk of becoming a slave to that person. You never know...

Re-Gifting Our Troubles

Psalm 120:1 (NLT) I took my troubles to the Lord ; I cried out to Him, and He answered my prayer. Here is another verse for our War Book / Scripture Log. Some simple yet needed truth that we need to be reminded of from time to time. The thing is, God is open 24/7 – He NEVER sleeps or takes time off, or leaves us. He is looking over and watching over us all the time. So, He actually already knows our troubles before we even bring them to Him. So, why do we need to bring them to Him? Well, not for His sake, but for ours. It is to build up our relationship with Jesus and to build up our faith in Him and His power in us. The Holy Spirit, like God, and as an example through Jesus – is a gentleman. Jesus is never pushy, rude, or overbearing. He will never barge in uninvited. The thing about prayer, is that He always answers us – just not always the way we want, desire, or expect even. A long time ago, I was told that God answers prayer three ways: 1) yes, now! 2) yes, but w...

Constantly Starting Over

Psalm 119:108-109  " Accept,  Lord , the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me Your laws. Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget Your law." Psalm 119 repeats over and over the same meaning: I will praise You Lord; teach me Your ways; God provides. Each little stanza says it a little differently, but it is the same thing over and over (to me). Well, this one jumped out at me, because I am constantly doing this! And that the Lord used the words “constantly” made it hit even more LOL I am reminded as I read through this chapter, that King David was considered a man after God’s own heart. He messed up BIG time SOOOO many times, and yet is still considered a man after God’s own heart. That struck me, as I read through this chapter. Over and over King David repeats small bits of truth. I think he does it for himself, but it is truth of God as well as him/us as a human. This is me too. I praise God every chance I get. Thanking Him for small...

A Full House Is Coming

Psalm 113:9 “He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the  Lord . ” All of Psalm 113 is pretty much praising God and how we are to praise Him. Then there are a few verses that share how some people will be blessed: the poor, the needy, and the childless. Now I don’t know how He will do verse 9, but I believe with all of my heart that He will do this! I believe that our “home” is our eternal home in heaven. The place we are all seeking to go to one day. I believe that ALL of the women that are childless here on earth, when they get ‘home’ they will be a ‘mother to many’! I also believe, that a woman here on earth can be blessed like this too. Kind of like our pastor honored ALL women on Mother’s Day this year. Because every woman has the opportunity to be a “someone” to someone. Either as an aunt, sister, cousin, friend, mentor and in so many other ways to influence those around us. The word ‘step-mom’ just came to mind. WE AL...

You Will NEVER Be Forgotten

Isaiah 49:15-16a “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! 16  See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; ” Well now, I have heard this many times, but today, it hit just a bit different. Due to the MEF (mind’s eye flash) that happened as I got to the last part. You see, I DO know of a few people, whose mother DID ‘forget’ about them. Or it at least appears that way to them. As a Mom, even if I had given into my selfishness and had abandoned my children, I am pretty sure, I would still “think” of them a LOT! Perhaps covered in guilt and shame, but every time I would see a child, I’m pretty sure my heart would be nudged. As I believe the mothers of people whose moms left the family for one reason or another think of them as well. Anyway – that is where my heart was as Jesus and I were reading this. Then as I got to the last part “I will not forget ...

Not Only Watched But Also Seen

Psalm 11:4 ”The  Lord  is in His holy temple; H e has His throne in heaven. He watches people everywhere and knows what they are doing. ” Have you ever “felt” like someone is watching you? In a crowded room, or even in an empty space – you get this ‘feeling’ that you are being watched, by someone. So you start to look around. Having to scan the people and the place with alertness. You may even have to turn your head, or your body even… Ever have that happen to you? One of my favorite jobs was working at the Anaheim Convention Center. I did ushering and security. When I worked ‘the rafters’ I would have to wear a brown jumpsuit that matched the color of all of the metal beams and ceiling inside. Reason being, so I would ‘blend in’ and not be seen. I worked up there for big electronic shows as well as different expos for sports and such. When I would “watch” someone, it was really interesting which people were ‘in-tune’ to being watched. They would look around. ...

Peace Comes Through Praise

Psalm 7:17 ”I thank the  Lord for His justice; I sing praises to the  Lord , the Most High. ” This says it plain and simple. Here is a verse we can add to are “Prayer Book/List” under praying for justice. I have claimed this verse a few times, in the process of something going on that needed God’s judgment and His authority. I praise Him for how He will work it out, yes, before it is even worked out. Then, I can’t help but add praises to my “thank God through the ABC’s” for things in my life. If you haven’t thanked God for things in your life, even the things you don’t understand right now, I suggest you go through the ABC’s and thank God for something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Even if you are struggling in life right now, you can do this: Father, I’m in a tough spot, but I know You are still worthy to be praised and thanked for things. Allow Your Holy Spirit to help me praise you for things, here and now, through the ABC’s. A – Thank Yo...

Little White Book

Psalm 6:1-4 " O  Lord , don’t rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your rage. 2  Have compassion on me,  Lord , for I am weak. Heal me,  Lord , for my bones are in agony. 3  I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord , until You restore me?" Interesting verses here. How many of us have cried out this prayer to God? Tons I am sure! What struck me, was someone, anyone, caught up in a sin. The cry of wanting to be freed from the stronghold that the sin has over us, causes us to cry out “how long, O Lord, until You rescue me?” Yet, we also plead our case in the first verses – even though we deserve the punishment! LOL Like a child that has made an unwise choice, knows it, and sees the parent ‘sees’ them doing it – and the trouble that is about to come. Almost like the child about to be disciplined with a spanking: they cry and plead and try and hold their hands over their bottom. All the while, not realizing the problem with the sin we keep doing is tha...

We All Either Walk Or Crawl

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “ Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ” Encouraging one another and building each other up is an amazing thing. It feels good to be on either side of it. Heck, it feels good to even witness it. Encouragement leads to positive actions that come from positive reinforcement. The same is true for the opposite. Negative comments lead to negative actions and reinforces the need for more negativism. Sad but true. When we see someone doing something that needs a positive comment, we should NOT hold back! We should in fact say it right then and there to them. Yes, even if it is a stranger. Why? Because you never know what it is they are needing right at that very moment. Perhaps they just prayed for God to ‘show up’ in a way that only He can. Then, He does it through you! It is free to give yet its benefits are priceless. Think of it: if someone had not encouraged you to “walk” you might not be walking now ;-)...

I Have A "Friend" Caught In Addiction

Job 22:21-25 (MSG) “Give in to God, come to terms with Him and everything will turn out just fine. Let Him tell you what to do; take His words to heart. Come back to God Almighty and He’ll rebuild your life.  Clean house of everything evil. Relax your grip on your money and abandon your gold-plated luxury. God Almighty will be your treasure, more wealth than you can imagine. ” In the world of ‘addictions’ these verses make SO much sense!! If only we would actually DO this!! LOL   For me, and my addiction to food, which started in addictions to other things before food. Yes, I was addicted to several things before I subsisted those things and turned to food. Basically, I just transferred my addictions actually, to food and beverage. I can remember clearly the day I actually DID these verses, but didn’t know these verses were in the bible. I had hit my bottom so to speak, when my doctor wanted to schedule me for FOUR different surgeries, due to weight rela...

Feeling Like A Shrunk T-Shirt Or A Stretched Sweater

Faith Under Pressure James 1:2-4 (MSG)  Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. Well now. I thought I’d jump to a book I haven’t read in a while. James. Who knew I’d be challenged and yet comforted the VERY FIRST THING?!?! God did LOL   Yes, I have been feeling challenged lately in somethings. The pressure is partly from outside sources and partly from within. However, the verse that says “your faith-life is forced into the open and show its true colors” hit me, BIG time! I ‘thought’ I was trusting, but because this part JUMPED out at me, I figure I ‘really’ must not be – oops! I think I need to print this verse and carry it with me at all times! So that I can memorize it, and have it to g...