This Sugar Is Good For You
Proverb 27:7 (GNT) When you are full, you will refuse honey, but when you are hungry, even bitter food tastes sweet. (MSG) When you’ve stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you’re starved, you could eat a horse. Boy have I been there! I’ve been full from a meal, and nothing tastes good, and I can actually push stuff away. I have also been hungry, and even something normally yucky, tasted good! LOL Yes, it has felt like I could eat a horse at times too! What jumped out at me in this verse is our hunger for Jesus. Our craving and desire to get to know Him more and more. How BEFORE knowing Him, we kept pushing Him away. When we would hear someone “preaching” we would behave like we would at a meal where we were full – we would push them away. Close off our ears, and not listen. Maybe even get up and walk away. I remember feeling ‘full’ of hearing people talk about Jesus and such. I remember feeling like I had had enough, that I was ‘good’ and my parents believed in G...